George Bellak

George Bellak Patron

Favorite films

  • After Hours
  • Night of the Living Dead
  • Casablanca
  • Raiders of the Lost Ark

Recent activity

  • China O'Brien II


  • China O'Brien


  • Patrick Still Lives


  • Birdemic 3: Sea Eagle


Recent reviews

  • The Great American Girl Robbery

    The Great American Girl Robbery


    A movie about pathetic loser football players who kidnap a busload of cheerleaders that inexplicably assumes we'll be more invested in the pathetic loser football players than the cheerleaders.

    Reins it in when it should go hard, and the result is a movie too sleazy and gross to be fun yet somehow not exploitative enough to be memorable or interesting. DeBell, Wharton and the rest of the cheerleader cast try their damnedest to inject some joy into the film, but alas.

    Has the nerve to end like a goddamn Mentos commercial.

  • Bad Company

    Bad Company


    Often described as an acid western or a coming of age story, but it's neither - it tells the counterculture narrative of acid but almost completely lacks the often anachronistic and/or surreal style of that genre (some wacky gunplay towards the end is the only sign of acid here), and the coming of age aspect is undermined by, well, everything else that happens in the movie. No, this a Revisionist Western with a capital R (and, often, a hard R,…

Popular reviews

  • Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

    Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb


    This is one filthy movie. I know I'm far from the first person to notice this, but, boy, is it ever obvious today.

    An opening scene of planes copulating. Then we meet General Erection post-coitus. Ripper explains he is afraid of his fluids being taken from his body...and, we later learn, new ones entering it. Then we go to a War Room of sexual repression: An emasculated president twice named after references to female genitalia; a general still thinking of…

  • Looper



    A heady, steadily paced flick with traces of X-Men, Equilibrium and every decent time travel movie, Rian Johnson's Looper is easily the smartest sci-fi since Moon. Yes, even better than the similarly time-travel themed Source Code. It's not particularly complex but clever where it counts - its time-travel premise is deceptively simple but fleshed out with neat elements like Gordon-Levitt and Willis' shared and evolving memories, the inventive and somberly human use of mutation. Also, as well as it may…

