

Favorite films

  • The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

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  • The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley


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  • The Hunger Games: Catching Fire


Recent reviews

  • Cars



    Amazing movie about the need to slow down and actually enjoy life sometimes. With such a busy world, its message is always relevant. The movie makes this message crystal clear. Plus, there are plenty of fun moments like when Lightning jumps over a massive crash. Good characters too, especially with the character development of Lightning and Doc. The video game adaptation of this movie is also amazing, giving players an open world to drive around in based on the movie. This movie is a masterpiece. KACHOW!

  • The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley

    The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley


    I'm such a sucker for a well-put together documentary and this one does the trick. The graphics are very cool, testimonies are intentional and insightful. You have to wonder though, like, how did she get away with this for SO long? Literally all these rich folks just pumped their money into a machine they never saw work?? Not just a little, like tens of millions of dollars???

Popular reviews

  • Don't Look Up

    Don't Look Up


    The most annoying aspect of this film is that it thinks its revolutionary. McKay undoubtedly gets the point of his story across, but at the cost of filmmaking itself. Hardly any subtlety in its motifs following the main storyline. Redeeming factor is the acting performances, Hill and Rylance really show off here. Also, its way too long. Additionally, the fact that we don't know "which" current life-threatening disaster McKay is referencing is more depressing than thought-provoking.

  • Parasite



    Quite literally might be the best film I've seen. One thing I love is if you just don't care, the entire critique on capitalism will go over your head. Bong Joon-Ho is incredible and the motif of the rock sinking vs. floating will get me every time. Also such a shame she's allergic to peaches, they are so tasty when they're ripe.
