Didier Ilsen

Didier Ilsen Pro

Logging & reviewing since March 19th, 2021

Favorite films

  • Skyfall
  • Sneakers
  • Point Break
  • Die Hard

Recent activity

  • Blow Out


  • Michael McIntyre: Showman


  • Hard Target


  • The Transporter


Recent reviews

  • Blow Out

    Blow Out


    Not impressed. But that seems to be a recurring theme with these earlier De Palma films.

    Nancy Allen once again saves the day.

  • Michael McIntyre: Showman

    Michael McIntyre: Showman


    Michael McIntyre is the funniest man alive ... without reverting to platitudes.

Popular reviews

  • Oppenheimer



    Oppenheimer is monumental in every sense.
    That point in history, the gargantuan pressure, the politics, the huge stakes and the enormous scientific innovations driven by all these iconic physicists: how do you capture that?

    Well, Nolan does. In a way he synthesizes techniques, storytelling and imagery from all his previous work. If you haven't seen any of his other movies, this is probably the one to watch.

    What a cast. Oscars will be coming their way for sure. Personally, I…

  • Raiders of the Lost Ark

    Raiders of the Lost Ark


    If you have the ambition to ever pursue a career in movie making, you are obliged to study all the early Spielberg/Lucas collaborations.

    Because it's all there...
    Suspense, fantastic characters, humor, a superb setting, and a well thought out story. All of that combined with absolute craftsmanship of two of the most influential people in cinema in the last half century.