Bottom of the barrel trash, don’t even know if this is in my bottom 2 movies of the year funnily enough. Megan Fox needs better roles like bro.
Bottom of the barrel trash, don’t even know if this is in my bottom 2 movies of the year funnily enough. Megan Fox needs better roles like bro.
Awful movie, worst of the year that I’ve seen and one of the worst ever lowkey. Glenn Close was really good in this though, maybe Oscar worthy I was dying laughing during the last like 20 minutes where she turned in to the devil or whatever. Everyone in this movie are horrible people especially the mom, the random time skip where she found god and became a good person and got her kids back was laughably bad like she doesn’t…
2.9 is crazy bruh this was really good imo, better than the first for me. The kills are funny as always and it’s really cool how creative they are yet again. These movies aren’t really scary they’re just fun to watch, this one was definitely less serious than the first one and had more comedy as well which I liked. Really good movie gonna watch the 3rd one tomorrow hopefully.
Forgot to log this earlier anyways. I don’t really take this movie seriously, it’s more of a movie I laugh at whilst watching it with my mom so it was a great experience, the deaths are so weird and creative it’s really cool to watch, full of cliches and stuff and it’s really laughable especially the ending. Really entertaining movie so that’s why I’m giving it a 4, I’m gonna try watch all of these movies but a couple of them look pretty bad icl 😭