Oh, the pain. It reminds me of that time I was in Philadelphia... (clutches arm in pain)
Watched this eight years ago for the podcast, and it seems like yesterday...
Oh, the pain. It reminds me of that time I was in Philadelphia... (clutches arm in pain)
Watched this eight years ago for the podcast, and it seems like yesterday...
Great fun, much more what I was hoping for after the 2009 film. The tone, the characterizations, everything is spot on, lovely script by Simon Pegg and Doug Jung. (And part of the resolution feels like something that might've fit right into the dialogue from "Spaced" in a way, which amused the hell out of me. But no spoilers.) As a long-time fan of Trek, I was happy.
My only real complaint would be some of the direction. The fight…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Utterly disappointing.
Lazy writing, chaotic directing, wildly inconsistent and paper-thin caricatures--there's a reason for the "Jurassic World Characters Ranked from Dumbest to Least Dumb" article (http://screencrush.com/every-jurassic-world-character-is-dumb/)--this is one of the few movies that made me angry that I spent money to see it in the theater.
Basically, the entire story hinges on people being rock stupid.
And if you know anything of plot structure or the rule of "Chekhov's Gun," you could predict every twist along the way. Chekhov's Underwater…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Before I say anything else, let me assure you, I liked "Mr. Peabody & Sherman." I liked it very much in spots.
They Dreamworks'd all over this movie. Too much overthinking of STORY!, too little trust in the audience, too many "that's lifted from _______ movie" moments. I look forward to someone recutting the film to eliminate all the "story" and "interpersonal stakes" and leave the parts that worked beautifully. Because a lot of it works beautifully. Best of all,…