Markus Nowak

Markus Nowak

Favorite films

  • From Dusk Till Dawn
  • Plan 9 from Outer Space
  • Mad Max: Fury Road
  • Voyage of the Rock Aliens

Recent activity

  • The Good Cop


  • Stray Cat Rock: Beat '71


  • Stray Cat Rock: Machine Animal


  • Stray Cat Rock: Sex Hunter


Recent reviews

  • Inside



    Prison horror isn't the most original concept, but this film really takes the idea to the limit, limiting it's scope to two prison cells and the two prisoners occupying them for 3/4 of its running time.

    Just on the eve of execution of Texas' most notorious mass murderer, "Barry the Butcher", Miles starts his 18-months sentence for drug possession. After midnight - with Barry's execution - mysterious and presumably gruesome things start to happen in the prison, with Miles and…

  • Kamikaze



    Disgruntled scientist annoyed by TV presenters devises a weapon that can kill those bastards via the TV signal. A Parisian policeman tries to stop his murder spree...

    It's probably the silliest idea ever commited to film as a serious thriller - you get the feeling a fourth-grader could've written it, but on the other hand most fourth-graders in 1986 knew more about how terrestrial television works than Luc Besson and his co-writers. If you have more than used a lightswitch…

Popular reviews

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    Spies Kill Silently


    Beirut, als die Stadt noch blühende Metropole, Touristenmagnet und "Paris des nahen Ostens" war. Während ihr Verlobter und die Assistentin ihres Vaters mit dem reichen (aber nicht roten) Libanesen Rachid plauschen, geht Professorentochter Jane Freeman im Pool planschen. Bekommt ihr nicht gut, weil sie wenig später mit einem Dolch mittschiffs wieder auftaucht. Zwar hingen am Hotelpool ungefähr fünfhunderttausend potentielle Augenzeugen rum, aber niemand hat ganz bestimmt gar nichts gesehen.

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  • The Corrupted

    The Corrupted

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