Brandon 🎬 Hale

Brandon 🎬 Hale

Favorite films

  • The Revenant
  • The Matrix
  • I Saw the Devil
  • Kill Bill: Vol. 1

Recent activity

  • Fahrenheit 451


  • Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood


  • Avengers: Endgame


  • Eighth Grade


Recent reviews

  • Fahrenheit 451

    Fahrenheit 451


    Wow, this movie is more relevant today than probably any time in history. Unfortunately the warnings issued in this story turned out to become actual reality in so many ways. Cancel culture, intellectual left wing authoritarianism, the surveillance state, the dumbing down of society via media and the education system, the overt and unapologetic censorship which has become the flagship of modern leftism. Dangerous ideas exist...burning books is cancel culture, revisionist history, the tearing down of monuments, the rewriting of…

  • Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood

    Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood


    I wasn’t aware QT was capable of such lackluster filmmaking. Interesting.

Popular reviews

  • The Holy Mountain

    The Holy Mountain


    Pretentious Bullshit Mountain.

  • mother!



    So far for me 2017 has been a somewhat weak year for cinema. There haven't been many films lately that had me this excited to see and certainly none that completely delivered the way mother! did. Ever since last years The Neon Demon I've been chasing the dragon for that type of high you can only get from experiencing a true work of art that profoundly changes how you look at art. This film has everything I love about cinema and some. It's definitely one of the top 3 most intense and stressful films I've ever seen and I can't wait to see it again soon.