Current Favorites are favorite movies of all time. #4 tends to change the most.
There're a lot of interesting ideas here, and I didn’t realize that the episode “The Homer They Fall” from The Simpsons is really inspired by this one.
It’s pretty good, I just wish . . . something about this movie feels like it’s beyond my grasp, but I’d like to have something deeper to say about this one.
Really, that’s probably a reflection on me.
Week 14/52 of the Cult Movie Challenge: A fascinating entry in the Fight Film genre, and a great pro wrestler in a movie.
It’s like a dream. Telling 1964-era Catherine Deneuve “you’re no beauty queen” might be the most unrealistic thing in this dreamlike film whete everyone sings all the time.
Another film I’d love to live in.
Everyone gets a very reasonable happy ending.
Probably my favorite of Jordan Peele's directed films so far. There are maybe too many themes and ideas to cover efficiently, but most of it does pay off. It’s an ambitious film that works far more than it doesn’t, and I think it’s really got something to say about how we sensationalize traumatic events or how we use traumatic events as spectacle and entertainment.
It’s held up as one of the most important films ever. I want to try to unpack some of that. The movie is basically an extended look at a span of days dealing with the fans, artists, performers, politicians, and other individuals in and around the country music scene in Nashville, TN during the mid-1970s. It’s long, and I think it’s really a testament to Robert Altman that he makes the film so interesting and engaging.
The movie grapples with…