Zefanya Simanjuntak

Zefanya Simanjuntak

Favorite films

  • Make Way for Tomorrow
  • Winter Light
  • Post Tenebras Lux
  • A Hidden Life

Recent activity

  • Skeleton Flowers


  • First Love


  • All the Long Nights


  • Ripples of Life


Recent reviews

  • Ripples of Life

    Ripples of Life


    I like this film. It mainly covers the creative thinking behind a movie, which i like and not like honestly. I like how the film covers the subject of subjectivity and objectivity, can it be combined, and do they even exist. And it captures it in the most college-pretentious-boy way possible. Shit, how i miss that live. When you go fuck-all-you-watch-me and get either shit full of gold or gold full of shit. Yeah, it only happens in the first…

  • The Favourite

    The Favourite


    How can you write characters so freely, yet maintaining the plot tightly? i found all characters are build up so well, even you can't find the bad ones. I mean, don't we all have reasons to believe something? and what i mean by reason is not just decribed by words. Even how you act or how you walks tell something. And if you think something has limit or not, you sometimes forget, even subconciously, that limit itself has no limit. A comedy, or tragedy of mind perhaps, as Dante's write?

Popular reviews

  • Bitter Coffee

    Bitter Coffee

    Every once a week, my father always watched this movie and all of Teguh Karya and Garin's film. Me, 8 years old boy, my brother, my mother and my grandmother sat down in the couch for the whole time. I didn't know what they're saying. My father always smile and say things that made my grandmother laught in tears while my mother listen to them. When the movie ends, i feel it was the most funniest ending back then because…

  • Toko Barang Mantan

    Toko Barang Mantan


    Imagine you're ordering some creamy latte without the coffee itself. Sweet and that's it...

    Aku harus katakan bahwa acting Reza Rahardian dan Marsha Timoty sangat bagus. selain realistis, mereka juga dengan baik mengatur cerita lewat mimik mereka yang mengatur mood cerita sangat keseluruhan. Openingnya juga sangat baik menurutku karena kita diperkenalkan langsung dengan karakter, setting, waktu dan pacing cerita khas Comedy Romance.

    Namun, semua itu langsung hilang lewat dialog yang bertele-tele perpaduan scene yang kurang terasa cocok. Kayak

    *Amel dan…
