No thanks sugar tits, I'll have a fire in my belly till I'm dust in the wind.
That should tell you everything you need to know.
No thanks sugar tits, I'll have a fire in my belly till I'm dust in the wind.
That should tell you everything you need to know.
I remember back in grade school, we had this one class assignment to make our own claymation video. So, my two best friends and I had the brilliant idea to make ours about a bear in the woods eviscerating some happy (but very unlucky) campers. Drowning Pool’s “Let the Bodies Hit the Floor” being the crescendo of the attack. Very edgy stuff.
As I type this out, I question why the teachers didn’t feel the need to contact our parents…
Three movies ruled my childhood. The Sandlot, The Last Action Hero and Who Framed Roger Rabbit. So it's hard to view this without a lot of embedded bias. I think I'll always have a soft spot for Rogers raucous ridiculousness and I'll never not find it incredibly impressive what was accomplished here.
Jessica Rabbit: Oh, Roger. You were magnificent.
Roger Rabbit: Was I really?
Jessica Rabbit: Better than Goofy.
Pretty cool if you ask me. The lizard men activated the primitive part of my reptile brain that makes a person say 'Hell yeah' on repeat.