'ere I am J.H.

'ere I am J.H. Patron

Favorites are the best movies I've seen recently, including rewatches.

Movies are good. I like movies.

Favorite films

  • Juggernaut
  • Janet Planet
  • The Hit
  • Hundreds of Beavers

Recent activity

  • Ladies & Gentlemen... 50 Years of SNL Music

  • Spider Baby


  • The Offence


  • Transformers One


Recent reviews

  • Oliver!



    Oliver (Exclamation Point!) may be the only G-rated movie ever released that includes a shot of a battered woman's body, convulsing before she dies.

  • Hot Frosty

    Hot Frosty


    Look, I know Hot Frosty is just some harmless nonsense, but I had some very basic questions that kept me from switching off my brain and having fun: Were the two vintage shopkeepers witches? Did they hex the scarf? Did they sculpt the snowman? How did Jack get a job at a school without a background check?

    At its best when it went fully silly (like the ice-eating contest) and/or fully horny (like the “get in the back and push” double entendre).

Popular reviews

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey

    2001: A Space Odyssey


    If any excuse were necessary to rewatch Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey, a new print projected in a proper theater would certainly be it.

    To mark the film's 50th anniversary, Warner Bros. commissioned filmmaker and Kubrick aficionado Christopher Nolan to create a set of new 70mm prints. Nolan's team located an intact 70mm preservation print, and strove to reproduce its inherent color and picture quality without digital effects. In theory, this new version of the film would be closer…

  • Mission: Impossible – Fallout

    Mission: Impossible – Fallout


    Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to say something about Mission: Impossible Fallout that hasn't already been said on Letterboxd.

    Uh, it was good? I liked it.

    Disavowed. [puff of smoke]