Andrei Gogot

Andrei Gogot Patron

"I love going into another world, and I love mysteries. " - David Lynch


Favorite films

  • Mulholland Drive
  • Buffalo '66
  • Paris, Texas
  • Blade Runner

Recent activity

  • Mulholland Drive


  • Independence Day


  • The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies


  • The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug


Pinned reviews

  • Buffalo '66

    Buffalo '66


    "Bufallo '66" tells the story of a broken and deeply nihlistic young man that, after a long journey filled with inner challenges, finds the joy of life with the help of a girl that he originally kidnapps.

    First of all, the cinematography in this film is absolutely gorgeous. Its soft and gentle aesthetic is just superb. Also, Christina Ricci shines as Layla. Her whole appearance, from the makeup to the clothes being both blue, underlines the idea of purity, but…

  • Paris, Texas

    Paris, Texas


    "Paris, Texas" tells a tragic story about a dysfunctional family. The film's delicate and sensible approach to its storytelling makes this film one of the most emotional and heartbreaking movies I've ever seen.

    Its themes about regret, parenthood and failed relationships are told in such a beautiful way, through a visually astounding cinematography and melancholic acting performances. The story follows Travis, a failed husband and father that tries to find redemption through the act of reconnecting his lost 8 year…

Recent reviews

  • Mulholland Drive

    Mulholland Drive


    "Mulholland Drive" is my favorite film of all time because it’s the film that resonates with me at the deepest level, more than any other film. In this analysis, I will discuss how “Mulholland Drive” fits into Emile Durkheim’s concept of anomie.

    To understand how anomie is present in the film, firstly I will have to try to explain the plot. Being a David Lynch production, the film is defined by a non-linear way of storytelling that has the purpose…

  • The Brutalist

    The Brutalist


    To put it simply, "The Brutalist" is one of my favourite films of all time. I want to talk about its two great dimensions. The one about the condition of the artist, and the one about how disgraceful America is.

    First of all, the film presents László, a genius arhitect that survived World War II as a jew in Hungary. When he arrives in America and is given the opportunity to manifest his genius, he latches on to that chance…

Popular reviews

  • Parthenope



    "Parthenope" feels more like a painting than a film.

    It has a great cinematography, where every shot expresses beauty and youth, vibrance and a passion for living. The moments that make up the narrative are all an excuse so we can feel an emotion that is understood more with our senses than our brain. It is lust and a melancholic longing for authentic love that define "Parthenope".

    The film, through the dreamlike acting of Celeste Dalla Porta, tells more through…

  • Timing



    "Timing" este un film special, facut de tineri pentru tineri.

    Primul lucru pe care l-am remarcat a fost faptul ca imaginea filmului este foarte estetica. Este cu siguranta, din punct de vedere al cinematografiei, unul dintre cele mai placute filme la nivel vizual aparute in Romania. Prin intermediul culorilor vibrante care se imbina atat de frumos in cadru, filmul reuseste sa isi exprime sensibilitatea mult mai bine.

    Actorii joaca de asemenea foarte bine, in special Stefan Radu care reuseste prin…