I’m a big fan of this one, but it’s a very weird and not for everyone film, but thought provoking in its entirety. A must see for people who love analogies, subtle or otherwise
I’m a woodlouse-head, it has to be said
Better than it could have been?
Incredibly empty and apologist messaging, like it’s just pro US, actively retracted from the other actually critical CA media
What the hell is anyone’s (other than mr green’s (extra half star for him)) motivation, like why is no one convinced Harrison Ford can change- and from what to what?, nobody likes him for no apparent reason.
0 reason for giancarlo esposito to be in this film, someone get him a better agent please
Empty film, could have been an email. Did like Harrison Ford though, give the old man his millions
Fun and creepy! With stupid visuals to match. Great puzzle
I’m afraid it goes hard. Between the homoeroticism and shadow being cool, it’s just very enjoyable
I can’t believe this was just basically sonic adventures 2
The gun, the motorbike, the Crush 40?! Incredible