Ashleigh Payne

Ashleigh Payne

Favorite films

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Recent activity

  • Logan


  • Wreck-It Ralph


  • Oblivion


  • Snow White and the Huntsman


Recent reviews

  • Logan



    Xavier: "Fuck off Logan"
    Me: *spurts coke over row of seats in front* "...Well this should be good."

    And it was. By God it was.
    I can gladly say I didn't share the Professor's sentiment by the end of the film.

  • Wreck-It Ralph

    Wreck-It Ralph


    I liked this loads more than 'Up'.

    Nuff said.

Popular reviews

  • Captain America: The First Avenger

    Captain America: The First Avenger


    Captain AVERAGE: Someone please Avenge me for the 2 hours I lost out of my life.

  • The Amazing Spider-Man

    The Amazing Spider-Man


    Well...I have to swallow my words. Those words being "A reboot after 5 years of a record breaking blockbuster series? Pffffft....what's the point?! I'm good."
    One free ticket to an advance IMAX 3D screening later, and I was swept off my feet. Or my eyeballs.

    Thrilling, well-written, very well acted, barely cheesy, sprinkled with humour at the right moments - this was a highly enjoyable watch for any movie-goer, let alone fan-boy (which I am not). A blockbuster ride that…