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“Yer fond of me lobster aint’ ye? I seen it -- yer fond of me lobster! Say it! Say it. Say it!”
I can definitely see why Mikey Madison got an Oscar for this performance. The movie itself is chaotic and fun at parts while still being able to be emotional and grounded. I loved the Russian guards the most and their dialogue/reactions to everything. Fuck you Vanya I hope you die in the Russian tundra you dumb fuck. Anyways, the guards being scared of Ani was one of the funniest moments by far.
This is a true masterclass in exposition and writing a movie with multiple narratives and an unreliable narrator. It’s perfectly weaved together to cause so much thought provocation and dialogue after the movie while still giving enough to actually comprehend what is occurring in the movie. I can already tell this will be a very rewarding rewatch the more and more I watch and uncover. First impression of David Lynch and it was a mighty good one. Billy Ray Cyrus jump scare.
I haven’t seen this movie in like 9-10 years honestly and I think it holds up pretty well especially actually being able to understand things going on now. My dad has never been more personified in a movie this definitely feels like his perfect comedy. Overall I thought it was fun and has a lot of great moments but I definitely enjoy no country for old men more.
A really interesting and good true story that explores the true meaning of living life. I love the different types of people we meet and the stories that they provide to this journey, it really puts us in the shoes of the real Chris/Alex to see the wide variety of experience he gained while he was living in the wild. Overall very well put together and heartfelt.