I write scripts and sometimes people make them
top 4 are random faves
First 45 minutes or so (up to and including Jill arriving at the McBain house — her arrival on the carriage is one of The Great Shots in any movie) are perfect, endlessly compelling. The intrigue and action from there as the plot machinations start moving are fun and thrilling, some incredible images and set-pieces. Then that final showdown with the revelatory flashback is cinematic magic. All of the four lead performances are fantastic. Still need to see Duck You Sucker I suppose but this feels certainly like the best of the Leone westerns even beyond GBU (a great film that I love!).
FUCK this capitalist propaganda bullshit "I owe the world a living" you don't owe anybody shit Grasshopper!! If you wanna live a vagabond life playing music you go for it little dude! You don't have to crush your spirit to fit into this bullshit system. What about the Queen?!?! She's not fucking working!!! Tell her to get off her fucking throne if she wants to eat and have dudes carrying her veils and shit! Fuck this movie and fuck you Walt Disney, Grasshopper and the other ants should've taken all the food and cut off the Queen's head
*fan cut*
we played a drinking game with this (I know dumb way to start one of these, whatever) where you drank when:
1) A laptop was seen, or the word "laptop" was used.
2) Someone said the word "government."
3) Stock Footage appeared on-screen.
then, in the first 5 minutes, he said "I have 5 laptops," pulled out 3 of them, said "government" twice back to back, and it cut to stock footage 3 times
today I feel barely alive