

Vibes/recency based top 4

Favorite films

  • Brazil
  • Speed Racer
  • Lost Highway
  • The Conversation

Recent activity

  • GoodFellas


  • Brazil


  • In Bruges


  • Ciao bambino


Recent reviews

  • GoodFellas



    Kinda forgot young Joe Pesci was kinda good lookin. Watching this after sopranos is crazy like half the cast is in this. I also forgot Samuel L Jackson is in it. Makes me wanna eat pasta and meatballs with homemade tomato sauce

  • Brazil



    Might be perfect. A dystopian satire with the visual density of the live action grinch (that’s a good thing), the humour of a Monty python, and the horror/world of an Orwell novel. I thought to myself nearly the entire watch “how did someone think of this” while also feeling like the film somehow put together exact thoughts of mine in a better way than I could ever have. Plus one of de niros funnier little roles. It’s genius

Popular reviews

  • Ciao bambino

    Ciao bambino


    Rating could definitely change as it’s one that has a chance to linger and grow on me. Very slow and contemplative, almost making it feel like a lazy summer weekend in Italy, beaches, breezy windows and all. Very well shot and captures the anxiety and the feeling of being lost during uncertain young love. It was perhaps a tad too slow and maybe a tad derivative but it makes you feel something. Almost like nostalgia for a life you never…

  • In Bruges

    In Bruges


    Great St Paddy's watch
