

Favorite films

  • Interstellar
  • Fight Club
  • Memento
  • Mulholland Drive

Recent activity

  • Hamster PSA


  • Mulholland Drive


  • Cowboys & Aliens


  • The Conductor


Recent reviews

  • Hamster PSA

    Hamster PSA


    After the review of a masterpiece I have been so dumb to watch a short film with a girl in bikini, pretty cool yea

  • Mulholland Drive

    Mulholland Drive


    In my top ten film that I have ever watched
    I need to watch again, again and again. I have only watched a film directed by Lynch and this is the second.
    Now I can relate a bit what does it mean "a lynch film". He was a fucking genius (it was unnecessary say it because it's obv but I had to do it) probably there are at least 10 different way to watch this film.
    I understood the…

Popular reviews

  • The Conductor

    The Conductor


    Not so bad... Not so good
    A normal film about a great life of a woman that wanted to say "world, suck my balls" and she wanted everything.
    She took everything (except for love, and I appreciated this)

    You need to sacrifice something if you want something and more you want more wood you need, this is the key of everyone.

  • Who Framed Roger Rabbit

    Who Framed Roger Rabbit


    Today I watched again this Zemeckis' masterpiece.
    I also understand the details and what they mean: this film is set in Hollywood where there are stereotypes and discrimination again "animated cartoons" but they are also movie stars. Overall this film was a challenge in that years also because the "animated cartoons" are drawed by a human hand because there wasn't a good special effect as nowadays.
    It's such a great animated film so much that i have decided to add some point for this film for his details.
    I agree with KaptainKristian (link to his video)

    Bump the lamp
