

Favorite films

  • Cannibal Holocaust
  • The Beyond
  • The Hudsucker Proxy
  • The Night of the Hunter

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  • Contagion


  • The Hunger Games


Recent reviews

  • Contagion



    Thought this was a bit spesh, actually - great pacing, logical, some fine, fine acting. Lots of surprises, and Soderbergh was on his tip-top game. A couple of weak moments (the Lawrence Fishburne stuff wasn't great) bring it down, but I think this was a fantastic alternative to the usual disaster movie type.

  • The Hunger Games

    The Hunger Games


    Likes: Some very good acting from Jennifer Lawrence, and some fun work from Woody Harrelson. Lenny Kravitz looks about 32. Really heated up in the actual Hunger Games segment. Appropriately, most of the opponents were cyphers. Some nice short-hand direction.

    Dislikes: Some surprisingly ropey effects (particularly the "Girl on Fire", who looked like a chariot-borne Calor gas pilot light), didn't love the mise en scene (kinda 70s sci-fi epic pre Star Wars), and Josh Hutcherson just couldn't come close to pulling off Peeta, outside of his gladhanding with Stanley Tucci.
