50 years after Rocky Horror Picture Show we get a new movie with Riff Raff living in some lady's basement, hitting us all over the head with addiction metaphors. I liked him better when he was singing.
Rob Zombie >>>> Spider One
50 years after Rocky Horror Picture Show we get a new movie with Riff Raff living in some lady's basement, hitting us all over the head with addiction metaphors. I liked him better when he was singing.
Rob Zombie >>>> Spider One
For what I’m guessing was a microbudget film shot on an iPhone, I actually enjoyed it way more than I expected. The soap opera-style music during the dramatic moments was a bit distracting, but it’s clear the film took inspiration from ’70s and ’80s slashers and really leaned into that vibe. It never tried to be something it’s not, which I respect. It’s no Black Christmas, but I appreciate how true it stayed to the genre.
Another example of how indie horror is getting it right. This was an imaginative and fun take on possession/found footage with a heavy dose of conspiracy theory thrown in for good measure. Like a lot of found footage films, Late Night With The Devil took me out of the moment pretty frequently when the editing and camera angles were obviously not found footage, but that's a liberty most filmmakers take. Chekov's guns are all over the place, and I managed…
This movie is my definition of perfection. The stunning, dreamlike objet trouvé cinematography, the upbeat original jazz soundtrack, and the dark mystery of the plot all contrast against each other beautifully and demonstrate why Dario Argento is such an influential filmmaker.