

Favorite films

  • Blade Runner
  • GoodFellas
  • Akira
  • Metropolis

Recent activity

  • Greener Grass


  • Fireworks

  • 5 Centimeters per Second


  • mid90s


Recent reviews

  • Greener Grass

    Greener Grass


    One of the best satires out there. Criminally underrated and should be watched by all. An amazing take on upper middle-class america and those who reside. Having everything needing to be a bright and censored makes it an amazing visual experience.
    The kids needing to be pampered by their obsessing mothers. The constant competition between everyone to have the attention on themselves and their ego.
    The humor is odd, of course, but when it hits it hits it is an…

  • Fireworks


    Absolute Trash.
    It had 3 writers and 2 directors and still it is one of the most entertaining things I've ever seen.
    It has so so so many plot holes and uninteresting characters, and rips off the girl who leapt through time.
    The CG effects are terrible. The story is dumb, and why the hell would we get a 6 minute song sequence?
    I warn to stay away from this terrible movie.

Popular reviews

  • Fungus the Bogeyman

    Fungus the Bogeyman

    I swear, I though half of this was an Xbox game cutscene.

  • A Simple Favor

    A Simple Favor

    Predictable and dumb.
    The characters are dumb and horrible. 
    Why is Anna Kendrick friends with the biggest bitch ever?
    I really did think that have of this was a joke. 
    Hey Diabolique reference/ inspiration/ knockoff!
    The pacing is all over and the story is just ineventful.
    Some elements are used that are just thrown out the window.
    This by far one of the worst movies I have ever seen.