Elazar Y

Elazar Y Patron

Favorite films

  • Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell
  • The Zone of Interest
  • Woman in the Dunes
  • American Psycho

Recent activity

  • Noisy Requiem


  • Red Rooms


  • The Zone of Interest


  • An Elephant Sitting Still


Pinned reviews

  • Ra: The Path of the Sun God

    Ra: The Path of the Sun God


    Fascinating film. While it feels a tad long, I understand that it is meant to tell a comprehensive story, it's just that my patience is a little thin these days, hence why I haven't given it a perfect score. If it were around 40 minutes I would've absolutely adored it but alas, I am a lazy bastard.

    This really felt like an important reminder that film should be a fundamentally spiritual medium – the way that motion and sound dissect…

  • Woman in the Dunes

    Woman in the Dunes


    a cruel sneer of a film.

    through the story we see the futility of life in 4 stages:

    1) on an elemental level. We see, at the beginning of the film, a grain of sand. As the shots gradually zoom out, we see that the sand loses its individuality amongst the billions of other grains. The overwhelming scale of the universe renders the individual as purposeless without a whole, but in order to join the whole it requires the individual…

Recent reviews

  • Whiplash



    This one's interesting, I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

    I think it's alright. So tightly paced and written that there doesn't feel like there's enough room for the story to kind of feel.... real? You know it's a story and you voyeuristically enjoy it because it's well told, but not necessarily because it immerses you or because what it has to say is true.

    I think its question of whether greatness is worth ANY price is interesting,…

  • Noisy Requiem

    Noisy Requiem


    Ended up skipping this one after 44 minutes. Lotsa senseless filth and such but it wasn't really substantial. You get the feeling that the director and writer was an amateur with unrefined ideas and skills but talent.

    Try it here; youtu.be/DpmYt9NuyOM?si=r8lxQUztBKZH02Ca

Popular reviews

  • The Hero's Journey aka My Life aka The Caleb Johnston Story (I'm Caleb)

    The Hero's Journey aka My Life aka The Caleb Johnston Story (I'm Caleb)


    I can hear it, roaring in my ears like a dragon. The swirling hurricane of thoughts that I will never be good enough, that I am fundamentally an unlikable, stunted human being. That because of my social ineptitude, my lack of ability to connect and relate to other people without getting hurt and pushing them away, I will never amount to anything.

    For the second time in my life, Joel has made a film that roars just as loudly in my ears as that hurricane. Every painful thought rushed into my mind watching this.

    What does your hurricane sound like?

  • Dune: Part Two

    Dune: Part Two


    Watching this made me realize how little I value "big" movies, movies with insane budgets "made" to be seen in IMAX.

    The original Dune book was one of my favorite books of all time; there was something about the subtlety of it all, the trippy spice scenes and the inevitable tragedy of Paul's situation. The book, while being fairly dense and focused on the characters' inner lives, is full of tense scenes that always made me break out into a…