Grateful this did not resonate…
Leland was haunting.
The best David Lynch movie of all time is the Funhouse episode of Sopranos
Grateful this did not resonate…
Leland was haunting.
The best David Lynch movie of all time is the Funhouse episode of Sopranos
Watching this on a PHLO free trial with 30 minutes of ads may have been the final nail in the FAST coffin for me... A miracle I made it through this.
The Aaron Sorkin guy in bar cameo was great, but the rest of this may as well have been a xanax. Courtroom dramas are not my cup of tea. Onward
Hilarious seeing this 2 days after watching Jim, a docco about Jim Foley, the war correspondent slayed by ISIS. Spent his life exposing the worst possible human suffering, pain so gruesome, horrifying, and unprofitable that only a handful of brave, troubled journalists would even try to document it…
Contrast that with Miss Americana. The disconnect between the grief she wants you to feel for her and those actually suffering from real problems is pretty unsettling.
Reeks of the hypocrisy of…