incapable of shutting up
pls enjoy my mortifyingly earnest film reviews
this happened to my good friend xander harris from buffy the vampire slayer.
you trynna trash me??
didn't meaningfully explore any of the juicy ethical and moral questions it posed (espesh re multiples) to instead be fluffy and scattered and a bit of a slog but I loved the creepers and the performances and liked a lot of the individual elements it just didn't coalesce into a movie I fully liked as a whole.
rpats perfect perfect perfect. that's my freaking boy.
christopher plummer goes to akbar and listens to house music. wonderful stuff. really lovely to revisit after all this time, a bit older and with a few more loves and losses in my rearview. forgot the score is on my sleep playlist and had to fight off my pavlovian response to go to sleep the whole time - mike mills innocent this is completely my own fault.
tell her the darkness is about to drown us unless something drastic happens right now.
are my two favorite moments among many.
first act maybe a true masterpiece. second act maybe not so much. and I don't even know what to feel about the epilogue. the films relationship to zionism is...chewy. I did find it to be fairly critical (perhaps especially considering the epilogue) but idk. that may have been wishful thinking. the whole film is essentially exploring the context of why zionism was so attractive, as well as how it was so clearly a manipulation of an open wound that many…
how can a movie this batshit be this absolutely sauceless....
needed more sharks