

Favorite films

  • Bloodsport
  • Shaft
  • Brouillard #14
  • Daughters of the Dust

Recent activity

  • Hardball

  • Kiki's Delivery Service


  • District 9

  • Céline and Julie Go Boating


Recent reviews

  • Yasuke



    In every review I've read of Netflix's new series Yasuke, none had recognized the intertwining of friendship, love and loyalty, across universes.

    Instead, the surrounding discourse kept the anime chained to its past rather than opening it up to the possibility of alternate pasts and futures. In this Short Ends article, I look at how Afrofuturism makes space for honouring the memory of those before us, in the present.

    Excerpt: While the anime features genre-bending elements of sci-fi, blaxploitation, fantasy,…

  • Roots Time

    Roots Time


    In tracing generational and historical legacies, my most recent article looks at the personal and communal ties we have to one in Silvestre Jacobi’s film Roots Time (2006). Driven by the lack of literature and presence of Jamaican films in popular media, Roots Time pleasantly reminded me of my own experiences of family, friends, and the communities I belong to (even if, at the moment, I’m separated from them).

    Excerpt: As part of the black diaspora, one encounters rumours, myths,…

Popular reviews

  • Sisters in the Struggle

    Sisters in the Struggle


    A piece I wrote for Short Ends Collective that looks at how Canada appropriates multicultural narratives that sustain white supremacy within our system.

    Myself being implicated in this system as a biracial woman born in Canada, I reflect on the absence of new beginnings that I and many others encounter every day and how these narratives repeat themselves generation after generation.

  • Blade



    Honestly the best superhero movie I've actually liked in a long ass time