Meherazul Azim

Meherazul Azim

Still figuring the site out.

Favorite films

  • Lost in Translation
  • Mirror
  • Your Name.
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Recent activity

  • Past Lives


  • Trick 'r Treat


  • Incendies


  • Spider-Man: Far From Home


Recent reviews

  • Past Lives

    Past Lives


    I've heard and read so many interpretations of this film, of the two main characters' relationship, all equally valid. That is to be expected of a film so thematically rich and nuanced.

    Bittersweet. Just how I like my cinema.

    Liked it so much that I made a Past Lives x True Love Waits -- Radiohead fan behavior detected -- music video the following day: *(Contains Spoilers)*

  • Trick 'r Treat

    Trick 'r Treat



Popular reviews

  • Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters

    Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters


    I checked the dates on the all the five star reviews to make sure they weren't posted in April. Apparently, a lot of people genuinely like this movie. Some of my favorite critics gave it a full score. Which is fine. People are allowed to like what they like, watch what they watch. The thing that unsettles me is that I just don't get why some people like it as much as they do.

    (Before I go on, I did…

  • Incendies



    I remember adding this movie to my watch-list because I thought it featured a Radiohead song. I was wrong. It featured two. Both of them were from the album Amnesiac. That says a lot about the mood of Incendies I think.