Pratyush Neogi

Pratyush Neogi

Favorite films

  • The Cloud-Capped Star
  • Come and See
  • Aftersun
  • Titane

Recent activity

  • Before The Law


  • The Substance


  • Joyland


  • Bohurupi


Recent reviews

  • Before The Law

    Before The Law


    Adapting Kafka to screen will always be a monumentally difficult task. The only time I felt a film captured the essence of the word 'kafkaesque' was Koji Yamamura's 2007 animated short A Country Doctor. In the same way, but executed in a completely different manner, Before the Law, captures that same Kafkaesque feeling which permeates every second of its 15 minute runtime.

    It is incredibly faithful to the parable by Kafka, which was featured originally in his novel The Trial…

  • The Toxic Avenger

    The Toxic Avenger


    Just wanted to watch a Troma movie to test the waters. I don't think it's for me. Cool practical effects though. It was almost so bad that it was good, but didn't quite reach that level. Just not my cup of tea, that's all.

Popular reviews

  • [REC]



    One of, if not the best Found Footage horror film that I've watched in a long time, [REC] was an delight to watch. It tackles the question "Why is the Camera still filming?" that so many FF movies suffer from and provides a completely reasonable answer to that. Later in the film the camera night-vision also becomes an indispensable tool so they keep the camera on at all times. This helps immerse the audience further into an already immersive film.…

  • Nobody Loves You and You Don't Deserve to Exist

    Nobody Loves You and You Don't Deserve to Exist


    So, this is my first time experiencing such a micro-budget independent film and I didn't know what to expect all too well. But Nobody Loves You and You don't Deserve to Exist went above and beyond what I was expecting and left me quite surprised.

    It is the story of a traumatized, misunderstood and melancholy person named Jack. We experience his life through a series of monologues from his younger and current selves as well as some of his acquaintances…