Ehud S

Ehud S

Favorite films

  • Before Sunrise
  • Before Sunset
  • Before Midnight
  • Good Will Hunting

Recent activity

  • Inglourious Basterds


  • September 5


  • Her


  • Challengers


Recent reviews

  • Inglourious Basterds

    Inglourious Basterds


    Why can't Nazis just stop pestering people?

  • September 5

    September 5


    September 5 is a crucial watch for many of the reviewers here who choose to dehumanize and scoff at its subject. The film encapsulates the distance between the grainy vantage point of our screens and the people actually suffering, and our own stories we project onto them.

    The harsh reality is, when terrorists intentionally shoot innocents point-blank in the back of the head, your take on it no longer matter - they're dead. You flip the channel to sports or…

Popular reviews

  • The Talented Mr. Ripley

    The Talented Mr. Ripley


    Call Me By Someone Else's Name

  • Trust the Man

    Trust the Man


    The most random movie ever about two Ethan Hawkes but they couldn’t get Ethan Hawke
