favourites are from this year's watches.
Tahtsin vahelduseks kergemat filmi vaadata, niiet panin käima selle. Üllataval kombel valisin sobiva teose, mis aga pigem näitlikustab selle filmi vajakajäämisi.
Going into this I knew I would either love it or absolutely hate it, no middle ground. Well, I sure as hell wasn't wrong.
Still, if we lived in a world where there would be 5 Megalopolis-likes in the cinema a year instead of Marvel Slop, I'd be a happy boy. It's the type of pseudointellectual megalomaniac trainwreck you can't help but admire just a bit.
I've now seen a couple of Thomas Vinterberg's movies and for some reason I liked this earlier project noticeably more than his later movies. The Celebration felt like it had a lot more of that magical indescribeable "style" to it that i felt The Hunt missed. Using an honestly godawful camera lends to the imagination flowing in those fuzzy pixels whereas the clear-as-day pictrure and calmer camera moves leave little to the imagination. Often what…