favourites are from this year's watches.
The soldiers listened to the words of Api and slept through most of the film. I too, am enchanted and lulled, saying or writing something after watching his movies feels almost sinful. After watching "Memoria" with my friends, after the film ended, nobody wanted to break the silence, nobody wanted to end the sacred absence of sound.
Everyone has their own reasons to be mesmerized by Api's works. My reason is that he and whoever…
For a change, I wanted to watch an easily digestible movie. In my infinite wisdom, at midday in my living room, I put on this one. Surprisingly, it seems that I made quite a good choice in the terms of my criteria, which sadly illustrates the deficiencies of "All Quiet on the Western Front" rather than supports it. I feel like when watching a World War 1 movie, I shouldn't have an enjoyable movie experience.…
Going into this I knew I would either love it or absolutely hate it, no middle ground. Well, I sure as hell wasn't wrong.
Still, if we lived in a world where there would be 5 Megalopolis-likes in the cinema a year instead of Marvel Slop, I'd be a happy boy. It's the type of pseudointellectual megalomaniac trainwreck you can't help but admire just a bit.