Exceptional film. Had some moments where it truly encapsulates what it’s like being the other.
My most favorite thing about this is probably the music - a mix of hope, sadness and fear all wrapped in one
Exceptional film. Had some moments where it truly encapsulates what it’s like being the other.
My most favorite thing about this is probably the music - a mix of hope, sadness and fear all wrapped in one
early Justin Bieber is still my jam lol
the ending of this movie made me bawl my eyes out
Absolutely insane. It was unbelievably grotesque that even though I liked it, I don’t ever want to watch it again.
Took me a bit to finish this show cos tbh what happened on ep 2 got me hella sad. Anyway, glad I pushed through cos this show is amazing and Brie Larson is fantastic in the show.