
Pol Pro

'isn't sitting in the dark, hooked on light, a little odd?'

Favorite films

  • The Social Network
  • Portrait of a Lady on Fire
  • The Passion of Joan of Arc
  • The Handmaiden

Recent activity

  • Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker


  • Star Wars: The Last Jedi


  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens


  • Return of the Jedi


Pinned reviews

  • Portrait of a Lady on Fire

    Portrait of a Lady on Fire


    Lesbian classicists stay winning!

    The film is stupendous, but I'd like to touch on two small, classical aspects.

    The Orpheus and Eurydice myth is one of my all time favourites (can you tell from my username?). When Héloïse tells the story to Sophie and Marianne, the translation is of Ovid's telling in the Metamorphoses (which you can tell from the detail of the narrative but is also confirmed by Héloïse's copy that Marianne later sketches in). This is the version…

Recent reviews


Popular reviews

  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


    Letterboxd Season Challenge 2018-18, Week 10: Roger Ebert Week

    I'm sure everyone has their favourite themes in art, and one of my top five is definitely memory. Most of my favourite books thematise/foreground memory, and now that I think about it, several of my favourite films do, too (e.g. Arrival, Manchester by the Sea, Spotlight). Not to get too deep in a letterboxd review, but one of my biggest fears is losing my memory, which is perhaps why I compulsively…

  • The Lost Weekend

    The Lost Weekend

    I felt kind of sick watching this. I've felt recognised by a lot of films before, but it was disorientating to see conversations on screen that I've had a million times with my family about the alcoholic in our life, conversations I've had today even. Scenes in a film from 1945, yet disturbingly familiar.

    There's a bit near the beginning, when Don is frantically searching for his hidden drink, and he looks in kind of ludicrous places, like in an…