Evan Mack

Evan Mack

Favorite films

  • Love in the Afternoon
  • Contempt
  • Breathless
  • The Master

Recent activity

  • Conclave

  • Annihilation

  • Alien: Romulus

  • The Triadic Ballet

Recent reviews


Popular reviews

  • Maestro


    Maestro's Schizophrenia

    "A work of art does not answer questions, it provokes them; and its essential meaning is in the tension between the contradictory answers."

  • Love in the Afternoon

    Love in the Afternoon

    In Passing
    Charles Baudelaire

    The traffic roared around me, deafening!
    Tall, slender, in mourning - noble grief -
    a woman passed, and with a jewelled hand
    gathered up her black embroidered hem;

    stately yet lithe, as if a statue walked. . .
    And trembling like a fool, I drank from eyes
    as ashen as the clouds before a gale
    the grace that beckons and the joy that kills

    Lightning. . . then darkness! Lovely fugitive
    whose glance has brought me…