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Deleting tags…
- girls girls girls 81
- cinematography? cinematography! 60
- music to my ears 57
- badly written women 41
- period clothing i want in my closet 22
- lesbians would make it better 12
- dnf 11
- unsure rating 8
- did not finish 5
- dnf but will later 4
- to rewatch 4
- dads mikkelsen 3
- hans zimmer 3
- i cried 3
- 1 star for music and a half for cinematography 2
- and i love him 2
- bad dialogue 2
- brad pitt is the best actor in the film 2
- dream team: hardy and murphy 2
- ellen page: this is for the gays! 2
- girl and boy hot 2
- i had fun fuck you 2
- lee pace kills the man 2
- one direction soundtrack 2
- what goes on 2
- 5 stars if they fucked you cowards
- a plant as a replacement for human friendship
- a shitpost
- alexandria ocasio-cortez i love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- all that lighting? and for what?
- almost forgot to tag this as
- also i watched the version where it slowly fades to black and white
- also this actress is gorgeous date me
- and i really wish they didn't try and make this anything other than a parent and child relationship
- ari aster get therapy
- barry u play fucked up real well my guy
- bill skarsgard i wanna talk to you
- bjork we'll get you outta here!!
- blake lively marry me
- but still fuck aronofsky
- byron was written how people think bisexuals are: flirty and incapable of meaningful and monogamous relationships
- change your dress code!
- cheesy
- chris hemsworth bad accent... i forgive him
- cillian murphy wears a bag over his head
- clunky dialogue and or plot
- come on character development
- convinced richard ayoade is the most interesting man on earth
- do i have a racism tag
- don't like what this says about mental illness
- esmeralda i am in love with you
- even when she had no money and even in 1991
- excellent use of beethoven
- fell asleep
- female villain/s
- filmed with a potato
- finally lesbians
- finn wolfhard is my son
- freud having a ball with this one
- fuck you this is so great
- garbage but it's my garbage
- gay rights!
- gets worse with every viewing
- girl all this? and for what?
- girl hot
- girl hot watch naruto
- girls gir
- god i miss hannibal
- god i wish i was seeing this on broadway
- god the things i watch for my faves sometimes
- going to hell for this
- good character design but script? it bad
- good movie about being gay in nevada
- great gowns beautiful gowns
- gun cries like 4 times an episode over a man with little designer purses
- haha isn't racism hilarious??
- harold...
- harry styles: now with more axe-throwing
- he deserves better
- he's bisexual your honor! no further questions
- here's an idea stop giving j*hnny d*pp roles
- his friends were assholes wtf
- hmm no
- holy shit
- hot disney men roundup
- hot dude in leather pants
- hot people being hot i want this life
- how her shorts stay so clean
- i cannot believe that i enjoyed what went on
- i cannot sleep anymore
- i didn't know that was mark ruffalo for 30 minutes because sideburns
- i don't even know how to rate this
- i don't get why a lot of people hate it lol
- i forgot sohee is in this god her acting is horrible
- i got a pocket
- i got bored 13 minutes in
- i hate that i enjoyed this
- i hate this movie so much
- i have the power of god and anime on my side
- i have this memorized
- i have this movie memorized
- i love bisexuals
- i love every shot but god i hate everything else
- i love him so much
- i love this filme
- i originally wrote pigeon idk what crack i was on
- i said fuck tarantino
- i see machida keita's face and just start crying
- i think it's missing something
- i was like girl are you sure about that
- i'm going to die i'm so in love
- i'm gonna need 100 hours more of this
- i'm love him with my whole heart
- i'm ready to fight
- i've had boys tell me i didn't "get" this film and you know what? i think it's still bad screw you
- if you like strange indie movies that most people don't understand then this is it
- imagine if they give miss maggie gyllenhaal a character to work with
- imagine not loving this film?
- is there something i'm missing here
- it seems wrong to give this less than 3.5 stars though because of the artistry