i only open this app when i'm high 🙂
& i forget to log movies sometimes ✨
a beautiful story paired with a beautiful title.
and unknowingly a great movie to watch as I'm visiting my obaachan soon. I'm excited but nervous. I can relate to robin williams' awkward and introvertedness in the beginning. since connecting with people is already hard for me, connecting with family can sometimes be harder, and it being a sick elder makes it a whole nother level of difficult. but I want to try to remember this movie when I spend time…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
i loved it so much! but admittedly, it took me a little bit to get there. i was worried it was going to be another shelter-her-from-the-world type of story but thankfully i was mislead !!
the settings were so beautiful and captivating i loved the dreary yet magicalness of it
and i hope one day i can understand and convey my feelings as well as bella did
i admire her character so much! she embraces all sorts of challenges and…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
I wish they kept the brutal honesty of the nature of life and death in wildlife as they showed in the beginning with the bird getting it's head ripped off and body eaten.
The quick shift to a more humanized and emotional story lost my interest but I think I just liked when Ros was logical and the animals were instinctual.
I thought it ended so many times but then more happened.
10/10 for the first 20 mins tho! I…