1009 features gauzy images of a past relationship projected on Abbott’s skin and on the walls of his stark hotel room.
1009 features gauzy images of a past relationship projected on Abbott’s skin and on the walls of his stark hotel room.
christopher abbott please call me.
Watched in preparation for the movie I’m about to watch, James White! Let’s go!
Christopher Abbott is shirtless throughout this entire short that is sort of like a cross between a cologne advert and a national geographic documentary, filtered through the lens of someone having a panic attack/existential crisis. Pretty to look at. I didn't hate it.
Watched on YouTube here
13 mins of chris abbott being hot hmm
This is like a long music video without the music. The overlays don’t look good.
im not arguing with a man with big beautiful brown eyes and stunning eyelashes. whatever you say gorgeous
Christopher Abbot doesn’t need dialogue to show his acting chops
I watched this for Christopher Abbott and got an experimental Terrence Malick, Black Mirror type of short film. It's beautiful and strange.
What in the National Geographic
Christopher Abbott has such sad eyes
It’s beautiful and the music and sound is beautiful but it is so unbelievably empty. Very pretty but no personality
hard af (me)