Wanderings of the young Ami in the streets of Kabukicho, Tokyo.
Wanderings of the young Ami in the streets of Kabukicho, Tokyo.
this is the type of film people in the 90s expected people from the future to be making, absolutely wild with ambition and very weird, the type of vibe where if you even miss two years of human existence you're fucked, everything's changed on you. a glitchy messed up dystopia that just looks ridiculously cool when you're not the one living in it. wish there was more stuff like this Out There
cyberpunk existencial. pixels e glitches refletindo a angústia de ser (ou não ser), de viver no vazio. um filme que não se trata apenas da forma, ou da inovação visual; e sim do conteúdo, do que nos incomoda, dos pensamentos que não conseguimos expulsar, dos sentimentos abstratos e complexos que carregamos, dos desejos e frustrações que nos tornam humanos e ao mesmo tempo nos dilaceram. aqui, técnica, atmosfera e diálogo guiam o espectador através do belo vazio que habitamos.
Existential cyberpunk short using a breath-taking video game and glitch aesthetic along with striking neon colors. Honestly, everyone should watch this, especially to experience Haruka Kuwana's heartfelt performance. Sion Sono's brief cameo also put a smile on my face.
Even though I wish this wasn’t so amateurish, and there were a lot of cinematic avenues that weren’t taken advantage of, I appreciated this. It’s essentially a no budget short film that works off of editing and writing, and even despite its very unpolished visuals, the video game inspired glitchy vaporwave style definitely made up for that. I feel more motivated by this than anything else to make something more tailored to my sensibilities with more of a chiptune, nostalgic edge to it.
This isn’t a great short, and it has a crap ton of flaws, but I think it’s quite enjoyable, and the ideas are all here. I hope if this director hones in his style down the line that he delivers something this creative on a conceptual level in the future.
A fully-realised, distinct aesthetic, replete with a hauntingly beautiful vaporwave soundtrack, a strange narrative structure and mystifying visuals. The visual distortions and glitchwave never feel gimmicky or cheap but impute a layer of dreaminess, of liminality, creating abstract, hallucinatory paintings that have shed any semblance of reality. Above all is a sense of overwhelming quietude, like Ami is the only one who inhabits this fake, collapsing world.
I love the use of digital warping to express emotions. It was so well done and fit perfectly. I really hope to see that technique used more often.
If Camus was a video game
Intense Cyberpunk short well worth a watch.
Up on youtube.
forgetting what's missing, the feeling of anything other than the sadness you have always known. and then dancing in it, beside a million other people in the neon lights of the recurring night. what is real? what did I dream about last night? it no longer matters. back to the void, i am ready. it's where I belonged anyways. free from form, words and loneliness. finally! ... though there's a tingling sensation that says, "go back", try one more time. just once more to see if anything could be changed. perhaps the abundant emptiness in a sad world is better than the void. nevertheless, it's a beautiful void.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
kinda student film-y (it probably is a student film, though?) but also extremely creative and, by the end, pretty moving.