A detached university student faces the consequences of astral projection when he uses it to reconnect with his dead mother.
A detached university student faces the consequences of astral projection when he uses it to reconnect with his dead mother.
Astrální projekce, Астрал: Новое измерение, Астрал 4: Последният превключвател, Астрал: Новий вимір, Astral: Nowy wymiar, 星体魂离, Astral Boyut, 星界離魂, ასტრალი
I just want to astral project myself and give that guy a haircut...
I didn't think it was that bad.
Loved the accents.
No offense but at first I did think it was a woman on the poster, then I quickly realized it was a man. Just as I was watching it....My bad.
Loved the overall presentation, but there's one thing i hated from this flick.....the ending.
You know what? This wasn't bad at all. Decent enough acting, passable script (ignoring how it was clearly written by people who obviously believe all the pseudo-science nonsense) and some genuinely creepy bits make for a 'not bad' thriller. Almost on par with Sinister/The Conjuring and all that shit.
quality of the movie aside the face card never declined once
Astral projection. You may have heard that it is a harmless method of seeking spiritual enlightenment, expanded metaphysical knowledge, or whatever. But you've been lied to! Just say No to astral projection, or else you could end up like the dude in this movie - oily and lanky and rumpled, pouty, miserable, and possessed by Asmodeus!
Shout out to the medium the dude visits, who whips the tablecloth off her reading table to reveal a ouija board carved right into the table and ready to go. That's some efficient and badass fortune teller decor.
✨️Frank Dillane✨️
I tried astral projecting myself halfway through this movie and it didn’t take. I was just stuck there watching the rest of it.
he thought astral projecting was for one night only HE MAD
I watched this film because of Frank Dillaine. He IS a good actor, maybe even a great actor, at least in everything I have watched with him in the cast. I wasn't really disappointed in his acting in this film, but the writing, and the directing of this film not only sucked but reflected bad on some of the good acting in the film overall. It was just so badly executed, and kind of hard to watch. It had such great potential but failed on so many levels, but I hold out home for this actor. He has talent, and now some name recognition from FTWD, and other things he's been in. I hope to see his work in more films and tv series, and would hate to see this one silly film sully any potential he has in the industry. And FTR I love his hair, his look and his style, as do many others.
hi friends i’m so sorry for being so inactive lately, i’ve just been really stressed and i think starting a depressive episode. anyways hope you’re all well, i decided to force myself to watch a movie and so why not torture myself with a bad horror movie?