Comes just before the fall
Two brothers, ambitious dot-com entrepreneurs, attempt to keep their company afloat as the stock market begins to collapse in August 2001, one month prior to the 9/11 attacks.
Two brothers, ambitious dot-com entrepreneurs, attempt to keep their company afloat as the stock market begins to collapse in August 2001, one month prior to the 9/11 attacks.
Landshark, Août, Aout, AUGU$T, Der Börsen-Crash, Srpen před bouří, Август, Augusztus, אוגוסט, Land Shark - Rischio a Wall Street, Reação Colateral
The first movie I have watched with Josh Hartnett that I haven’t loved him in. Not because he’s not good, he’s great, but he plays the biggest jerk of a character. I want my dreamy, nice, kind and beautiful Josh Hartnett back. Movie was actually quite good, a fast-paced business drama/thriller and Josh stretches his acting chops big-time.
josh hartnett’s lost audition tape for kendall roy
Josh is legit great as a douchey tech bro. The actual movie? Not as great.
yell at me josh hartnett
I have long since thought Josh Hartnett was much better than many of the films he ended up in. His self enforced abandonment of Hollywood was a shame but with August as evidence it's difficult to argue he didn't have good reason.
Clearly written by someone who saw reflections of Aaron Sorkin in every sentence they constructed without every realising that good writing is a lot more than chucking in confusingly cool words into every conversation. Detestable stuff.
Josh Hartnett yells at people for 88 minutes, I still can't tell you about what.
"It's all over Joshua."
An unappreciated sigma-core classic for fans of American Psycho (2000) and The Wolf of Wall Street (2013), documenting the rise and fall of a tech bro grifter in the heady days of the early 2000s dot-com bubble. I think this is my 3rd or 4th time watching it.
Josh Hartnett is perfectly cast in the lead role, and Adam Scott is almost unrecognisable—the brief David Bowe role is great too. Clearly most people don't agree with me that this is a brilliant film, but there are so many memorable scenes and the vibe of tension the entire plot creates is amazing. Also the pop culture references create a nostalgic sense of the era that is being portrayed.
I'm in no rush to watch 'August' again
It's like they set out to make the most boring film possible. A tech company wants to be a good tech company but actually they are not a very good tech company and end up failing as a tech company and are bought by another tech company. Tech company, tech company, tech company, tech company. Adam Scott has the worst facial hair I have ever seen and the poster is fucking terrible. David Bowie was great as usual but everything else sucked. I only watched this film because Bowie was in it... I would do anything for that man but his cinematic outings frequently make me suffer.
Here is my review and…
Some good performances in here but a weak plot. Also what does being set just before 9/11 actually have to do with it?
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Josh Hartnett is an underrated actor that probably gets dismissed for his boyish, good looks, especially by angry nobodys like me. I found him terrific in the equally underrated "I Come with the Rain" and was already impressed by his performance in the lackluster "The Black Dahlia". Anyway. Hartnett is perfectly cast here as a flaky and well versed bullshitter desperately clinging to his existence and undeserved presence in a industry full of bullshitters and bogus dot-com companies. Josh Hartnett's Tom Sterling is aware of his company's impending doom, yet he immerses himself in self-imposed ignorance and self-important arrogance.
There is a telling scene early in the movie when he is asked what his company…
Joshua. You are so entertaining but why why why such boring film. Many such cases I fear
Maybe the “set just before 9/11” plot in this movie was the friends we made along the way