Let MEN be the ones who are afraid to jog at night
A transgender teenage girl on summer vacation in LA fights to survive after she falls in with four queer feminist vampires, who try to rid the city's streets of predatory men.
A transgender teenage girl on summer vacation in LA fights to survive after she falls in with four queer feminist vampires, who try to rid the city's streets of predatory men.
Diana Hopper Nicole Maines Zolee Griggs Friday Chamberlain Char Diaz James Paxton Greg Hill Julia Voth Brent Chase Riley Litman Dayton Sinkia Matt Pierce M.C. Gainey Muneeb Rehman Zack Cosby James Jagger Michael Renda Tyner Pesch Webster P. Whinery Jr. Lauren Stamile Jamie Kaler Tiffany Milian Seya Hug Heston Mosher Sara Raftery Nandy McClean
Alice Ford CJ Stuart Jason Gray Alexander Smith Hugh Aodh O'Brien Mark Ginther Rene Mousseux Thomas DeWier Ryan DeVita-Loayza Brian Avery Lisa Catara Zach Hudson Tara Macken Brett Smrz Mallory Thompson
Clube da Mordida, Pogryzione, 此生唯愿吸血鬼, Club de la Mordida, Кусь
Why does a movie have to be “good” can it not just be about lesbian vampires killing men in LA?
The concept is the concept of a five-star film, a perfect idea, the sort of trans cinema we have been demanding. But the execution fails in ways that take some of the, ehem, bite out of it.
A lot of the reviews on here seem to dismiss this as a CW show or something. I've never watched a CW show, so the comparison is lost on me. It's clear that this is geared toward a younger audience in some ways, but I don't think that's a bad thing. I enjoyed most of the movie in terms of performance and even plot. It's not Stalker and I don't need it to be. I need it to be a lesbian vampire girl…
while totally rad in concept—gen z queer vamp girl gang vs the patriarchy—its biggest fault, besides a few instances of cringe girlboss pandering, is that, as cool as trans vampires and lesbian street gangs are, if you’re going to go full SCUM MANIFESTO meets THE LOST BOYS, then GO THERE. don’t defang it with some eye-rolling ~not all men~ finale. let the silly men rot sis!!!
Honestly it doesn't bother me if female centric (queer or not) stories are being told by men. As long as it's still good and feels honest I don't care who makes a film (though of course I always want to support female and non-binary filmmakers). But this is just so obviously written and directed by someone who truly has no idea how women talk and act towards each other. I really wish it'd been co-written by a woman (or maybe just not made at all?).
Also, this is just such an annoying (and kind of arrogant) portrayal of LA.
God, I wish this movie was good.
The soundtrack is fun. Not spectacular, but fun, especially its extremely jarring needle-drop of "Rasputin." And maybe it makes me a Bad Feminist Trans Girl Film Watcher or whatever but the only person in the movie who seemed to actually be acting worth a damn was its most prominent male actor, James Paxton, as our vampiric heroine's brother Mark. Then again, maybe male writer-director Brad Michael Elmore just doesn't know how to direct women. Or write women. Or direct. Or write.
Bit is goofy and punky and blood-slicked enough on the surface to keep me interested at a very basic level, and I can empathize and appreciate what he was trying to go…
this checks every possible interest i have
1) vampires
2) riot grrl soundtrack
3) evil women
4) lesbians
5) misandry
as a trans woman, the first scene of this film had me terrified. not in the sense that i found it scary -Bit isn't really a horror film, nor does it try to be- but rather that Duke's grim sentence of solitary confinement for a woman who tried to turn a man into a vampire set off the little alarm that every trans person has in their head that there's a high probability of transphobia in the near future. when the camera snap zooms into her lips as she says "no fucking men," i immediately thought that this would be a film about a bunch of women turning a transgender woman, finding out she's transgender, and then trying to kill…
A CW vampire show pilot from 2009 or so but with swearing and occasional nudity.
“We’re not a movement. We’re a terrorist organization at best.”
saw this getting so much shade on imdb and for what? 🤔 fun little take on the Lost Boys premise with teen girls smashing the good old vampire patriarchy full of spunk and eager to use their sharp teeth. stilted homage to the bloodsuckers of yonder mixed with the schlocky post-neon teen movie edge in pretty fashionable punk looks. feminism! it’s also what all vampire movies should be: very gay :)
i enjoyed this a lot for unapologetically embracing the cringe coming with the combo. the actors are wooden too but i hope to see Nicole Maines and Diana Hopper in more things anyway, there’s good chemistry underneath the awkward…
watching queer vamps taking out sleazy, predatory dudes is cathartic, period.
b movie that to me felt tonally like a teen show, say Vampire Diaries, rather than a horror comedy..but that’s not necessarily meant as shade. the vampire elements are pretty generic, with some effects that made me cringe, but you can see its heart and soul is pushing to carve out its own space. we need more trans main characters, more stories that show queers coming together that don’t have the only focus be on romance or coming out, more depictions of revenge that don’t put us through explicitly watching what motivated the need for vengeance. we are given all that here, plus some fun moments. glad to have given this a try.
Let's go lesbians, here we go lesbians