Fishing was never like this!
During a local fishing contest, people are being mysteriously dragged into the lake and killed by a giant fish hook. After a sufficient number of deaths, the killer is finally revealed.
During a local fishing contest, people are being mysteriously dragged into the lake and killed by a giant fish hook. After a sufficient number of deaths, the killer is finally revealed.
Pêche Humaine, Garra Sangrienta, Veriloma Hämähäkkijärvellä, Muskie Madness, Leichen an der Angel, Blood Hook : L'étang du cauchemar, 血钩, Blood Hook - Leichen an der Angel
I’m totally comfortable with you killing me. I’m an adult. I can live with it.
This was so campy and funny that about half way through me and my beer-for-brains were about 95% certain that our hook killer was some kind of fish that was “fishing” for humans as some sort of comeuppance for years of sport fishing at the lake. And I think I was a little disappointed that didn’t turn out to be the case. That and some mostly off-screen or generally underwhelming kills tempered my enthusiasm for the rest of it. I really liked how triggered Peter got by the idea of cops filling out their damn forms. Fun pick all the same, M@.
Degrees of Kevin Bacon: 2
1. Lisa Jane Todd and Christian Slater in Playback
2. Christian Slater and Kevin Bacon in Murder in the First
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
So for about the first third of this, I thought I was watching a movie about an inanimate killer fishhook and I love movies where some non-human object comes alive and starts terrorizing people and I was ready to slap this with a full 5 stars, but then it turns out it’s a person with a fishhook and that’s not quite as much fun, but this was still really great.
Full of 80’s goodness, awful dialogue, obnoxious teenagers played by adults, and a killer who can toss a fishhook in the general direction of a person and manage to skewer them with it. Yep, I loved it. I will be purchasing the bluray very soon. Bless Vinegar Syndrome and all of the wonderful, important work they do.
Another Wisconsin Death Trip.
Delightfully tacky yet never forgets its a slasher movie, Blood Hook is filled with macabre humor and a ton of memorable trash cinema lines, plenty of local yokels, an idiot tourist family with a dickhead father and kids who immediately start whining about wanting a soda, and let’s not forget it’s a fishing based slasher movie so there’s definitely a dumb pole joke or two.
For me this is another gem to get a bigger following via blu release the same way that Blood Rage and The Mutilator did... I don’t think this is as good as either of those movies but it definitely fits perfectly with them.
Plenty of fun and the best this Wisconsin satire will ever look!
Popped this is while I was sorting my cart for the Vinegar Syndrome sale, and by sorting I mean I added like $500 worth of stuff and need to reel it in to a much more reasonable amount.
Still love this and it looks even better on blu. It’s just the kind of bizarre, indescribable movie that could only have been cooked up in the drug fueled 80’s. I mean, I really wouldn’t be surprised if the whole movie was created around that awesome lake house with the dock elevator lift thingy. I have no idea what you’re supposed to call it but it’s badass and I totally support making a movie around it.
Oh well, still sorting this cart but I know without question I’m getting Psychos in Love, Grandma’s House, and Mausoleum. The rest depends on how much more I decide to drink while shopping!
And now, for the most recent #SlasherSaturday ... on time for once!
A lot of borrowing doesn’t make this any less boring. I guess when you’re out there fishing for great horror, one needs to have patience, and you won’t always get a bite.
It’s a wannabe campground horror, even having its own Crazy Ralph character thrown in there. At the same time, more so than some incarnation of waterborne Jason lunging out of the lake, it is going for more of a PIRAHNA vibe (Dante’s 1978 one, but also there’s an obscure film from years earlier - I can’t even find it on LB - with the same title that came as part of a random vintage horror collection,…
This is such delightful cheese. Blood Hook is one of those oddball slashers that remains in its own inept category. Although it has many typical slasher tropes theres something uniquely entertaining here. This is low budget high ambition to the max.
I mean the plot alone is so in depth while also being so friggin dumb that you wonder what kind of chump is writing this script. Other worldly dialogue, long and tedious scenes, non human interactions and plenty of what the heck is this beautiful nonsense kinda moments.
The reason why I love regional horror so much is that it…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
I have to say I was bitterly disappointed this wasn't about a giant hook randomly appearing from the sky. But instead a low-budget slasher about a giant fish hook killing anyone who happens to make a noise which these darn kids do continuously with their headache machine! Unfortunately, this never lives up to the title and premise and there is a real lack of blood or gore until the final act but not sure that is worth sitting through the long run time for.
Part Piranha and part Meatballs, a fun-loving and incredibly mismatched circle of five teenage friends go on a wild summer trip... to a sleepy fishing community somewhere in rural Illinois. The moment they arrive, a fishing lure from the darkness begins terrorizing hapless victims. All of the 80’s character stereotypes are here: the valley girl, the punk rocker, the crazy war veteran, the loyal girlfriend, the musically talented boyfriend... whose grandfather mysteriously disappeared off of a fishing dock seventeen years earlier. See? It’s hard to tell what this movie is trying to be.
I’ll summarize: it’s “Troma Lite”. A silly mish-mosh of weird characters in a horror movie that leaves the aftertaste of attempted comedy at every opportunity. After a number of…
Another summer is upon us bringing jn everyone's favourite event...MUSKIE MADNESS! Well Blood Hook to be more specific. A peculiar 80s slasher that taps into that bizarre frequency of low budget lunacy. There's a particular vibe here that's really quite difficult to describe. The constant feeling that this thing ain't right! Like leaving an omlete in the sun too long Blood Hook is a rotten spectacle of cheese!
The characters are some of the most kooky and dramatic 80s slasher weirdos I've ever witnessed. Bordering on a high-school drama class level of acting and wearing noticeably bad costumes/makeup I couldn't take my eyes off the screen! And these actors just look strange! Like twisted 80s cartoon characters that took over…
"Nice pole. I like it!"
I'm just gonna pretend Blood Hook is the lowkey ABSURD slasher parody I THINK it is...splashed with the cheesy, low-budget styling I KNOW it is, coming from Mr. Mystery Science Theater 3000...& say, this hooked me hard enough, it put me in stitches!
WARNING: I'm pretty sure this is a mood movie, & mine was compatible with its colossal camp & self-aware stupidity.
Yes, this dumb AF 😂
& That was my favorite thing about it.
The brutality is next to nil, so it's not contender in the race for the best slasher parody, but the tone & the humor def worked on me as well as some of those bests...& I watched the 111min directors cut (whoops),…
After moving to Wisconsin from Illinois the first job I got was in a mail order warehouse and that was where I first heard people complaining about FIBs (Fuckin' Illinois Bastards). I hadn't realized this was even a thing before that moment. I figured it was some silly sports rivalry thing and moved along. I now understand after learning from this one of a kind flick! There are 2 groups of people who travel up to Wisconsin in this film, one is a group of young people going to an inherited house. They are normal kids with earrings and loud music, stuff that usually annoys older folk. The other group is a family who rents an RV to do some…
I have never seen people in a film embracing death so willingly. The characters of Blood Hook have either never felt pain, or those fish hooks are a lot deadlier than I can even imagine. I've been snagged with a fishing hook before, it sucks, I get it. I just don't remember gushing out fountains of blood, writhing around like a dead fish, and hollering like I've got a knife in my back. The teens in Blood Hook really sell the idea that a minuscule little hook is a deadly weapon. What's next, a slasher flick with thumbtacks for a weapon? The paper cut killer? Death by stubbed toes? The sky's the limits! They really try their…