A transgender man struggles with self-realization and acceptance in traditional society of Turkey. Constrained by identification cards color-coded for gender, will he finally be considered for a Blue ID?
A transgender man struggles with self-realization and acceptance in traditional society of Turkey. Constrained by identification cards color-coded for gender, will he finally be considered for a Blue ID?
erol köse seni öldüreceğim. öleceksin
“Erik Köse drops a major bomb! Actress Nil Erkoçlar became a man through surgery!”
That quote appeared on Turkish headline news and outed well-known actor Rüzgar Erkoçlar (formerly known as Nil) who had dropped out of the public eye so he could live a normal private life working in a bakery. When his transformation surgery became a hot topic, paparazzi started sneaking around. While Rüzgar was concerned about his family’s safety, people online were concerned about the boys who once had crushes on the former actress/model and are now crushed. “According to Google Zeitgeist report, Nil Erkoçlar was the most googled name in 2013.” This is an intimate portrait of someone becoming a reluctant symbol of trans-rights in a homophobic and transphobic society. Turkey used to issue gender specific color-coded ID cards to its citizens. Rüzgar has many obstacles to overcome on his journey for a blue one.
NewFest virtual, New York 3/3
An indictment of the media above all else; their appalling treatment of anyone who defies societal norms isn't terribly surprising at this point, but to see it play out so brazenly in original, unvarnished footage is still incredibly unsettling. The observations about the intersections of transphobia/homophobia with the themes of entitlement/lack of privacy in celebrity culture and the entitlement/lack of autonomy of anyone perceived as a *~hot woman were striking and smartly not over-explained.
(and phew yes, he's hot. At times he had a real Andy Lawrence thing going on. Not bad.)
watched this one in class
got to have a q&a with the filmmakers and they are the sweetest, most articulate and considerate people ever. major props to them.
maybe the most pointless takeaway to have but my god rüzgar is so hot i got a moment of childish jealousy when they showed he got married. good for him or whatever.
outfits catastrophiques mais histoire super intéressante
Bravo les trans
so so good. hearing burcu melekoglu talk about this film at transcreen amsterdam had me in tears—thank you💖💙🤍
so so good and a poignant reminder that men with watercolour tattoos deserve compassion too
it's giving vlog. compelling tho
A revealing glimpse into transitioning while famous, complete with invasive media, bureaucratic bullshit, and religious extremism. Solid.
(Also, he's so hot.)
Absolutely fascinating documentary and insight to Rüzgars life before during and after transitions. Definitely one of the highlights of new fest so far for me
Cute and moving. Protagonist was so attaching