The story of a refugee from Kazakhstan who in the spring of 2022 saved hundreds of Ukrainians in Bucha and other cities and towns occupied by Russian troops.
The story of a refugee from Kazakhstan who in the spring of 2022 saved hundreds of Ukrainians in Bucha and other cities and towns occupied by Russian troops.
بوچا, Bucza, 布查
Що краще за фільм «Буча»?
Поперхнутись цигаркою, зʼїсти столітнє яйце, покакати жидким, прокидатись із похміллям, упасти із самоката та вспотіти в київській маршрутці з найдовшим маршрутом, коли знаєш, що воду вдома дадуть через три місяці.
It brings me no pleasure whatsoever to say that Bucha-- a Ukrainian film portraying Russian war crimes in a city near Kiev during the 2022 invasion-- is simply not very good. This is particularly unfortunate given the circumstances under which it's being released. Russia is a fascist state that has successfully hoodwinked millions of Americans into parroting its smoothbrained propaganda, and given the fact that most of us can only absorb information via movies and TV, a well-made piece of counterprogramming could've gone a long way to dispel some of these misconceptions.
Sadly, this is not the counterargument we needed. Bucha is a monotonous slog, and I don't think I'm saying that solely because I watched it from an uncomfortable…
Наш перший warsploitation.
негативний огляд з коментарями колег та колежанок доя Української Правди
а якщо казати про моє враження коротко, то просто заберіть в серіальних виробників можливість знімати кіно під стокову музику. Можливо тоді вони почнуть критично дивитися на те, що вони вони створюють. Купа сцен заради сцен, немає структури та хоча б банального «Врятуйте котики»
Якісь довбойолопи засрали фільм в коментарях, шкода, що так вбивають наше гідне кіно
Всім і кожному з команди, хто був залучений до розробки «Бучі», треба натягнути спекулум для повік і [як Алексу ДеЛарджу] крутити цілодобово Балабанова та фільми зі Стейтемом.
I watched Bucha in solidarity with Ukraine because it is close to the 3 year anniversary of when the invasion began. But sadly, I wouldn’t say that I loved the film overall, even though I definitely WANTED to love it as all the pieces were here for this film to be really good. I think it’s incredibly important for movies like this to exist as it highlights the horrors which are currently happening, however this importance doesn’t change the fact that, when I look at Bucha as a movie in its own merits, I had quite a few issues with it. Don’t get me wrong, it still had plenty of great parts. I think that the performances were great on…
Finally I found a good Ukrainian film. This movie is about a real person, Konstantin Guaduskas, who takes over two hundreads Ukrainians from Bucha. This man is an absolute hero. It's crazy that he isn't even Ukrainian, he's Kazakh. The whole plot is based on his stories. The war has made a lot of strong people, and it's great that we have movies about them.
The plot is interesting. There are two storylines: about Konstantin and about the russian colonel. The first one shows us Ukrainian military and civilian people, how they feel and survive. The second storyline is about the russian occupiers, which are ruining the country. During entire movie, Konstantin changes from an ordinary man to a brave…
If you take a sip of strong alcohol every time you are shown a lazy drone shot, you will have a severe hangover the next day.
Нам буде потрібен не один фільм про злочини російської армії в Бучі. Ці жахливі факти мають завжди бути у фокусі нашої і світової уваги. Але цей фільм... У мене немає добрих слів для творців даного опусу. Це дуже низькоякісний продукт, який просто паразитує на горі. Для висвітлення цієї теми потрібно проробити сценарій на який можуть піти роки. А це нашвидкоруч зроблений телевізійний фастфуд, бо треба робить. А може не треба так робить?
The film “Bucha,” despite its loud and controversy-laden promotional campaign and bold claims of artistic significance, ultimately unfolds as a half-baked thriller fused with a propaganda piece. It attempts to capture the most sensationalized tragedies and viral moments of the early full-scale invasion russian invasion of Ukraine, but in doing so, it risks reducing collective trauma to something almost mundane. The very use of "Bucha" - a Hero City now etched into public consciousness - underscores the filmmakers' attempt to exploit the widely covered atrocities committed by russian forces. Combined with a simplistic soundtrack and choppy, vignette-like screenplay, the film falls flat, failing to fully explore what could have been a compelling narrative on the inner transformations of two central characters divided by opposing military checkpoints. | 05.11.2024 | Банальність зла. Рецензія на фільм «Буча»
the reviews for this one are all over the place…
i thought it was decent. It can feel a little stale but ig that was the point. First Ukrainian film i’ve seen, talked to the writer after the showing, great guy.