It's out of this world.
A poor construction worker, who struggles to keep his son in private school, mistakes an orb he finds in a junkjard for a toy which proves to be much, much more once the young boy starts to play with it.
A poor construction worker, who struggles to keep his son in private school, mistakes an orb he finds in a junkjard for a toy which proves to be much, much more once the young boy starts to play with it.
Stephen Chow Lam Fung Vincent Kok Tak-Chiu Sandy Shaw Lai-King Tsang Kan-Cheong Andrew Fung Chih-Chiang
CJ7 Creatura Extraterrestre, CJ7 - O Brinquedo Mágico, Седьмой, CJ7 - Den Magiska Rymdhunden, 长江7号, Cheung Gong 7 hou (CJ7), CJ7 - 장강7호, CJ7 2008 - Siêu Khuyển Thần Thông, Siêu Khuyển Thần Thông 2008, 長江7號, Long River 7, CJ7-장강7호, CJ7: 장강7호, CJ7 - Creatura extraterrestre, CJ7 - Nicht von dieser Welt, 长江七号, CJ7 - Den magiska rymdhunden, Siêu Khuyển Thần Thông, Cj7 - Den Magiske Rumhund, Fantastický mazel, סי-ג'יי 7, Uzaylı Arkadaşım, CJ7 - A kis zöld látogató, CJ7: Jucăria misterioasă, Ο Φίλος μου ο Εξωγήινος, Звездният гост, CJ7: Juguete Del Espacio, คนเล็กของเล่นใหญ่, ミラクル7号, Fantastický maznáčik
chupala parasite
My mom took me to see this movie when i was 8. for some reason it absolutely wrecked me like no movie ever had before, i was legit screaming and crying in the theater and she was super embarrassed. but after the initial emotional trauma was through i became obsessed with the movie. i drew CJ7s everywhere. i constantly talked about it. i played a CJ7 widget game on our iMac dashboard. CJ7 was my entire existence.
for most of my life CJ7 has been a weird memory. i only saw the movie once. i just remembered the emotional parts of the movie, crying a lot, and the titular creature itself but not much else. about a year back i…
I just remembered how much I loved this movie when I was a kid. It’s just so cute and sad and funny.
Wish my cats could do all this stuff
I love this funky little alien and will die for it
A “young protagonist with his cute pet” plot is bound to touch hearts, especially kids who can’t help but see themselves in the character. But with sci-fi comedy drama CJ7, Dicky and the titular alien took forever to meet, so establishing their bond felt harangued and forced when it finally happened. It ain’t delightful seeing Dicky hurt and mistreat CJ7 as well, so all the supposed cuteness washed off quickly. The poo jokes eventually got tiring too.
Granted, the father-and-son chemistry between Stephen Chow and the kid actor (who apparently is a girl) pulled the reins of an already stretched story, but by the time the sappy moments rolled, CJ7 is already too far off a perfect 10 aim. The weakest of Chow’s directed filmography for sure.
“We may be poor, but we don’t lie, we don’t steal, and we don’t swear...We must study hard so that in the future we can become someone that is useful to the society”.
The movie is about a very poor father working very hard to to just survive day by day and to keep his son in School, when they suddenly get an alien creature who the boy names CJ7. Well that is the main plot of it anyway.
This movie tries to do a lot of things, and succeeds in almost everything. I had no idea that it was a sad, lesson giving drama but with some really awesome comedy thrown in. This movie touches poverty, school bullying, rejection,…
Watched the 88 films Blu-ray together with my daughter for some quality time! We watched the English dub so my daughter was able to follow everything.
From director/ actor Stephen Chow, who did the ridiculously entertaining "Shaolin Soccer (2001)", comes his Hong Kong version of "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)".
In "Shaolin Soccer" there was a throwaway line referencing E.T.:
"Phone home like ET, Mui. You don't belong on Earth", and seven years later Stephen Chow did his first childrens' film, but in his cartoonishly silly style he's most renowned for. I explained my daughter what it's about, she saw the cute cuddly alien design based on a Pekingese dog and was immediately sold.
And oh boy, we had a great…
I would do anything to watch this film for the first time again
Oh my god I remember this film!
I saw this when I was a kid. Rewatched it like 3 times.
Thank you Stephen Chow!
I wish this cute little alien would come and help me with my issues. This will always hold a special place in my heart. This is like a live action version of Lilo & Stich mixed with Chinese fighting movies.
this is my childhood, i saw this for the first time when i was 7, i rewatch this movie so many times and this just never get old. feels nostalgic and like a big tight warm hug.