A boy's nightmares about being stalked by a demon slowly transform into a terrifying reality.
A boy's nightmares about being stalked by a demon slowly transform into a terrifying reality.
mega ultra sweaty rubber monster nightmare mayhem, just not as excessive in gore and gloop as Demon Within, Cyclops, and Guzoo, but just enough gross out moments involving melty-face and vomit regurgitation. the plot is paper thin involving some Yakuza tormenting our lead and a random music video dance sequence, that got a good laugh out of my watch party— yes watch with friends for the ultimate experience!
the final 10 minutes were complete practical effects transformation monster goodness, but jeez this needs some restoration love, please!
Japanese v-cin SOV gore and monster FX short leaning heavily into late 80s camp.
Conton is a lot more light-hearted than its peers, but it still has that same SOV to VHS left uncased outside for a year then ripped into a 1:1 aspect ratio that makes it look like you're watching it on a broken camcorder screen look. That's a good thing in case you were wondering.
Japanese New Wave synths forge a backdrop that lets the rubber monsters and bulging eye face mashing pop and the Yakuza plot device cheese palatable.
Black slime bile filling a sink and manifesting a severed head with a disgusting eelsnake demon living inside its mouth. Rubber demon suits in dreamworlds that slowly…
Viewed with Maddy Flowers Sheehy, who took the chance and perused this oddball dreamscape with me! Check her review here!
Conton portrays the dreams of a young boy melding into his reality, but what his dreams stand for, he does not even know. His subconscious may reel from daily stress or school anxieties, yet this is never made quite clear. What I do know is, his dreams revel in a glorious 80s Tecmo banger that’s as cheesy as it sounds. The grainy VHS quality of the rip only adds to the atmosphere (gotta love it!), and the practical gore effects (which there are a good amount for a 45 min runtime) reminded me of another Japanese Horror film from the 80s called Sweet…
Watch an improved digitization of the film here (with English subtitles):
I spent 29,050 yen on a VHS of this just to digitize it to a quality higher then mud. Still a few early stutters in the rip. Was it worth it? You be the judge.
If I am to judge Conton as a film, my rating is only a fraction above average, as it is a film that for its grotty and outlandish practical effects, doesn’t have much to do with them. Dreams within dreams, the question of what is reality is constantly shifting around the main character who until the end of the film seems at the mercy of grotesque forces and a criminal gang. But the…
lots of great SFX and gore here, some real grotesque shit - too bad it's surrounded by so much goddamn plot!
the quality of the VHS rip I watched certainly didn't do it any favors either.
Needed less loan shark yapping, and more of that gooey green slime vomit!!!!! I really loved all of the face ripping gore, and the creature transformation at the end was great…rubber monster cutie.
One of the more surreal and yet less disturbing Japanese SOV 80s horror shorts, featuring a few fantastic monster & transformation scenes straight out of 'A Japanese Werewolf in Osaka' and an extremely fun synthie score. This wasn't as effect-heavy as some of it's peers but it was still likeable and entertaining throughout.
This has been at the top of my watchlist for YEARS. It took me forever, but I finally found a copy. The copy was poor quality and lacked subtitles. Didn't matter, this was fucking awesome.
Conton's plot is irrelevant, some guy is having nightmares that are bleeding into reality, this short was made to put it's effects on display. As a huge fan of practical effects this did not disappoint. From a worm monster in a sink to a rotting head that's not quite dead this had some batshit ideas. You even get a character transforming into a monster straight out of The Guyver!
So if you get the chance, check this one out. Doesn't hurt it's only 45 minutes long.
I really enjoy these types of short films that come with creatures and monsters.
Conton has a nice plot and I would say a cute creature.
I usually wait for lots of blood and chopped heads. Some crazy fucked up shit. But sadly they didn't put too much in this. It wasn't bad but I felt I needed more knowing how these films get crazy sometimes.
I had more fun watching this with Chris , Dennis and Zach.
Thanks guys. We need to repeat it.
Well worth it for that slimy, gore-filled ending, but this thing really takes its time getting to the goods, even with a 45 min runtime. Doesn’t help that the quality of the available transfer is a garbage vhsrip that’s barely watchable. Would love to see this cleaned up because when it goes full-out body horror madness, it’s great!
Sie werden von schrecklich-hip gekleideten Yakuza-Typen drangsaliert? Das Gummi-Glibber-Gore-Monster aus ihren Albträumen, dass langsam immer mehr in ihr reales Leben tritt, könnte ihnen bei ihrem Problem helfen!
Amateurhafte (und doch so passende) Kameraarbeit, grausliche Bildqualität, Leiersound, fehlende Untertitel; albern-sympathische Typen, die Mode, der videogamige 80s Synthrock, die sehr sparsamen, aber auch sehr fleischigen und charmanten Ekel-Effekte...
Diese Mischung aus Hausu, Tetsuo und Evil Dead vereint auf einer VHS, die wahrscheinlich aus irgendeiner tokioter Videotheken-Grabbelkiste stammt, hat mir jedenfalls deutlich mehr Spaß gemacht als z.B. Marvels letztes reich-bezahn(l)tes Comic-Monster.
Ist aber kein grimmiger Splatter. Sämtliche Charaktere und das ganze Story-Drumherum mit der Beziehung zu seiner Freundin und den lästigen (aber lässigen) Halbstarken wirken wie ein reales Slice of Life-Anime der 80er...…
Before I started binging Degrassi, I watched this goopy short last night. Like a body horror Power Rangers. A student film on SOV dreams. Japanese movie-making that isn't a pink film. It seems like a few actors (from a Google translation of the credits) went on to voice acting/dubbing. I feel like any blu-ray label would have a hit double-billing this with "Guzoo: The Thing Forsaken by God."