The legend is real. So is the terror.
A group of friends venture into the remote Texas woods for a party weekend and find themselves stalked by Bigfoot.
A group of friends venture into the remote Texas woods for a party weekend and find themselves stalked by Bigfoot.
Terror en el bosque, Существует, Существа, Existe, Létezik, 灵异存在, Eles Existem, 이그지스트, Dehşet Gecesi, Quái Thú, La Bête de la Forêt
Should have burned his entire beard.
People should do a psych evaluation of their friends before taking their advice when it comes to going camping or on vacation because a person whose perspective is derived from kindergarten books that Bigfoot/Sasquatch are friendly IMO is a fucking moron. This is the same guy who will give empowering speeches when he sees satan with a trident giving new dumb meaning to metaphors until Satan shoves that trident right up his ass and twists it like a fucking fork and empowers him with his intestines in his hands.
Exists starts again with a bunch of friends chilling and one asshole who is out to capture bigfoot on camera, now this gives it that…
A Sasquatch found footage film that while it breaks no real new ground.. it does manage to heighten the suspense and keep you dangling on the edge of your seat! Thoroughly entertaining for what it is!
Character development is non existent, but the amount of camera time capturing Bigfoot up close and personal leaves absolutely no doubt it EXISTS!
Final Word: Still waiting for someone to create a truly terrifying Sasquatch film during my lifetime! But until then I guess this will have to do!
From the same director of that other movie where teens go to the deepest darkest neck of the woods without any survival skills, weapons or cell signal.
At one point I was almost certain bigfoot was going to pick up the rifle and shoot someone... I am so disappointed he didnt!
What? a found footage film about bigfoot?
hooooonk mi mi mi hooonk mi mi mi
Whether you love it or hate it, you can't deny the influence of The Blair Witch Project. I remember getting totally swept up in the hysteria the movie caused when it came out. Dammit, I WANTED to believe in that witch. Suffice to say, it left quite a mark and its "found footage" format created an entire new sub genre of horror. If that sub genre was ever in danger of losing its appeal, it was given a rebirth with Paranormal Activity. If you were around for Blair Witch then there is a good chance you sat in the packed theater to watch Paranormal and literally started screaming "we've done this before!" at the screen (yep, I was THAT guy...but…
Well hi there.
Today we're traveling to Texas in hopes to capture Bigfoot on camera! He's a big, shy and friendly creature so nothing can go wrong... right?
From one half of the director duo of The Blair Witch Project comes a pretty generic Bigfoot found footage.
The characters in this flick make the worst decisions which makes it just so easy to root for sasquatch, played amazingly by Brian Steele. He's committed and he's pretty scary, ngl.
I'd say, watch if you have really nothing else to watch and want to see Brian Steele terrorize a bunch of teens/young adults.
Found Footage 📹 Ranked
Vacation Horror 🚷: Ranked
First Watches in 2023: Ranked
more cynical incurious garbage propagandizing violent killer squatch but this time its gopro footage that looks like shit. fuck you
Is it the aim of the filmmakers with found-footage to make their main characters so detestable n have them make absolute blunders of decisions that you end up rooting for the beast their running from? Cos i’m Team Big Foot this time n Team Beast pretty much every time. At it’s best when the big man was involved, kinda exhausting when he wasn’t
If a film buff on Twitter makes a halfway passionate case for a genre movie that I haven't seen, I'll usually give that movie a chance; so far, I haven't really been steered wrong. The other day I saw an interesting thread on "Exists," a 2014 found footage flick from "The Blair Witch Project" co-director Eduardo Sanchez; seeing as how it's currently streaming on Prime, I figured I'd take a chance on it. Turns out is indeed one of the more entertaining found footage movies of the last decade, which perhaps make sense when you consider it's from a filmmaker who helped turned the genre into an overnight phenomenon back in 1999.
The story isn't all that dissimilar from "Blair…
A decent entry in the endless sea of found-footage films.
We follow 5 college-type friends as they head out to a cabin deep in the woods for a camping trip. It’s a typical narrative but I thought it was well done.
Some scenes were wildly tense, the ‘Bigfoot’ creature is aggressive and unrelenting. Nothing felt cheesy which can easily happen with both the creature genre and found-footage.
I enjoyed!
I thought Willow Creek was the worst a Bigfoot film could get. I was wrong.