"I can't believe you are in this movie...I'm SO MUCH better than you!"
Warning. This film has an abundance of Man Ass… Unofficial Networks Presents – G.N.A.R. A Film by Scott & Robb Gaffney. AND Shane McConkey
Warning. This film has an abundance of Man Ass… Unofficial Networks Presents – G.N.A.R. A Film by Scott & Robb Gaffney. AND Shane McConkey
I'm the best reviewer on this app!
That’s fucking skiing right there. None of that pansy ass dick tugging smile for the ski patrol bullshit. Men cook breakfast in the lift line, men piss on the mountain, men call their mother on the gnarly lines. Fucking hard core dick in the plastic gnome pow day skiing fuck it huck it pole wack it and rip the shit out of it. Take it to the parking lot. Red Bulls get handed to strangers you don’t even remember. We get naked together we’re the best skier on the mountain together. Skiing is back baby.
If you’re getting rad and there’s nobody to see it, are you really getting rad?
The first half is made with a lot of genuine soul, and is a lovely testament to the impact Shane McConkey had on his friends, the Squallywood community, and the entire sport of skiing; G.N.A.R. as a concept and a contest is brilliant and unsurprisingly attracts some entertaining characters. However, the second half feels like a shoddily tacked-on set of clips from a stoned editor.
"I can't believe they made you a pro"
i wrote this review midline on the fingers
the bible
Hey @anders_soyland, you're a pro skier for Spyder and Blizzard and I'm soooooo much better than you pussy. Consider a change in professions.
A lot of ass, but even more Ween.
They really made it 69 minutes long.. legends
White ppl