This Halloween, Hell Comes Knocking
A teen faces a night of terror when three malevolent trick-or-treaters come knocking at her door.
A teen faces a night of terror when three malevolent trick-or-treaters come knocking at her door.
Mal Intencionados, Озорники, 헬리온스, Piccoli demoni
Wow, it was a bad year for the midnights programs at Sundance. It's kind of like Rosemary's Baby meets The Strangers if both of those movies were also like sticking a pencil in your eye.
This is very understandably a “love it or hate it” type of movie and on my first viewing years ago I wasn’t quite sure which way I leaned, but this time around I leaned decidedly on the love side.
It starts off as a basic horror film about a slacker girl who finds out she’s pregnant on Halloween and then some kids show up that night while she’s home alone and start terrorizing her. About halfway through it shifts into a total surreal drug trippy hallucinatory nightmare and that’s where a lot of people check out. But I really dig weird ass shit like that so I checked even further IN!
You can’t ever really tell what’s really happening and…
An intense and complex study of bodily ownership. Somewhat lesser due to its overt visual style and frantic editing, but much to appreciate in this one regardless.
With this being on the horror channel a lot I've ended up watching it the last 3 years. Short and sweet little horror following a teen who has just found out she's pregnant being hounded by a bunch of little shi..Hellions on Halloween night. I still don't get the ending though.
This was another film from Frightfest that I had missed and know I know I made the right decision to skip it. There's some potential here for a Halloween set horror with demon's disguised as trick or treating children but on the whole it's a bit of a mess.
Chloe Rose is a 17 year old who learns from a doctor, on Halloween that she's pregnant. She returns home to an empty house and is soon being harassed by some young masked trick or treater's. To start with it could be just a prank but things take a turn for the violent when it appears they are after her unborn child.
There's plenty of style and some nice imagery on…
My body, my prodromal psychotic pregnancy. A Hollywood wet dream amongst the ever growing sacrificial cabbage patch.
Is it just me or is the soundtrack to this an annoying fucking earworm? And what was up with that eyesore of a color filter? I'm all for atmosphere, but these were some questionable decisions. The horrors of childbirth, especially coming from a teenager is bound to be terrifying. Hellions literally does nothing special with that and is just content to bombard you with artsy, sometimes bloody flourishes belaboring the point to absolute tedium. For a film with such a short runtime, this was awkwardly paced at times. Robert Patrick shows up as a cop and adds nothing to the proceedings. Neither did the Halloween creatures, although they were certainly creepy enough to compensate for that. If there was one thing that kept me watching to the end, it was the main actress Chloe Rose. She is so gosh darn sexy, and I dug her angel costume. Stunning blue eyes too. Where was I? Oh, I didn't like this.
Hello, I'm one of the few people that enjoyed Bruce McDonald's Hellions...actually, I kind of loved it.
Narratively speaking, Hellions starts out with a pregnant teen-WHO THE FUCK CARES THIS FILM HAS STYLE. Style everywhere, style piled atop style while style occasionally crawls out from underneath said stylepile only to crawl right back on top like some sort of insulating bee ball of style (you know, like how bees hibernate and shit).
Norayr Kasper's cinematography is interesting throughout as he sifts through one artfully framed shot after another then seguing into more aesthetically-pleasing territory with filters and lighting. The imagery, alone, smoothed out a lot of the more negative aspects of this film (but, not the exploding pumpkin patch -…
A film which can’t seem to decide if it wants to be a horror movie or an especially effed-up Bonnie Tyler video circa 1983.
It almost instantly falls into that all-too-common horror trap of erasing all distinctions between reality and hallucination. I find it endlessly frustrating when directors fail to grasp the simple truth that when you abandon all internal logic or rules, the audience is really left with no choice but to stop caring about anything that happens. (Oculus, I’m looking at you). Recommended only for maternal horror completists.
The plot of this Halloween-based Canadian horror film makes little sense and plays out like a teenager's disjointed pregnancy nightmare, but what it lacks in coherence it makes up for in production design and includes a few really eerie scenes and lots of genuinely creepy costumed kids. Far from a classic, but well worth watching.
I was pretty tired last night so I didn't feel like hashing out my full thoughts on this movie after it was over. I debated if it was even worth it, but decided to give it the breakdown I try to give other horror movies since that sort of is what I do. So here we go.
I had avoided this movie for a long time because of all the negative reviews, but decided to give it a go now that it's on Netflix, and at the recommendation of someone in a recent discussion. I hadn't realized that it was directed by Bruce McDonald, who helmed Pontypool, one of my favorite films. I think the major distinction here is the…
🔪🔪Halloween Horror🔪🔪
I really don't have anything to say good about this movie so I guess I won't say anything!👎
This is just my personal opinion, you might like it!
If you wanna take a peek👀, can stream for free @ Plex