Kara is a visually stunning and emotional PS3 technology which is here "represented" by a female android who becomes self conscious.
Kara is a visually stunning and emotional PS3 technology which is here "represented" by a female android who becomes self conscious.
- Oh, I see. I thought…
- You thought?! What did you think?
- I thought… I was alive.
i know not everyone loves detroit and i’m not oblivious to the history of development issues behind the scenes at quantic dream - but i really do love this short as well as the game that spawned from it. the game has been around for 5 years and i still revisit it. fingers crossed that star wars eclipse is even better.
Saving money to buy Kara in 2038
i love kara
Not gonna give this short a rating. I will actually use this to talk about David Cage’s allegations, writing and directing however. If you don’t know what I am talking about, let me explain real quick. David Cage is a CEO of a game studio known as Quantic Dream, a studio that has made notable titles like Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls and Detroit: Become Human, (D:BH is actually based on this short). You may have played or even heard of these games if you have been on the internet for awhile or play a wide variety of video games. Anyways, Cage is a writer, director, musician and most importantly, a video game designer. His whole schtick is that he designs…
I don’t know, I just played Detroit: Become Human and cried at the end, good game 4 out 5 stars
This is pretty incredible. Valorie Curry is so great as Kara, and I’m even more excited to play the game now!
Edit: I’m going in separating art from artist
detroit become human bitirince extras kismindan izledim
Amazed this shit is on here, though much more amazed that anyone in history has ever taken David Cage seriously (apart from the women and queer people who sued him)
I bloody love Detroit: Become Human so this was worth a watch
need her
i had no idea this even existed but it's so interesting to see this after already playing dbh