An hour-long paean to the art of the kiss featuring fourteen couples, from passionate participants to lethargic lovers, engaging in the intimate act.
An hour-long paean to the art of the kiss featuring fourteen couples, from passionate participants to lethargic lovers, engaging in the intimate act.
Great horror flick for single people.
Me and yo mom
One of Andy Warhol's first films, a series of shots of people kissing. Some couples are heterosexual, some are gay, and at least one is mixed-race. Some kiss very sensually, while others are more consciously performing, doing odd things with their mouths and tongues. As with a lot of Warhol films, its pitch promises boredom, but the actual viewing experience is more textured. Seeing the titular act repeated over and over renders it strange and alien, like repeating a word. People really do this to each other? Oh yeah - of course we do! For me, the film toggles back and forth between feeling strange and erotic. Perhaps it will remind you pleasantly of notable kisses in your own life.
Mitski: “I'm just asking for a kiss
Give me one good movie kiss
And I'll be alright”
Andy Warhol: “Just ONE? How ‘bout FOURTEEN?” *mic drop*
Andy Warhol films people kissing for one hour. Extremely depressing.
As much as I love the minimalist approach and the simplicity of this film, not even I was riveted for the whole hour's worth of kissing scenes. In 1963, there had to be some mild outrage somewhere over the choice of couples, which amused me, but 50 years later, it's just a mildly pleasant hour of light hanky panky.
Seemingly embracing film history, Warhol takes William Heise’s The Kiss (arguably the first ‘naughty’ movie) and expands upon it as only he can.
Passion burns the film until it eventually erupts into a boiling white inferno; the intimacy, love, and overflowing humanity captured here is perhaps one of the greatest testaments ever dedicated to the human condition:
we are simple,
we are beautiful.
In the expressions and movements of those onscreen you will see yourself, those you’ve had the fortune of loving, and many more whom you won’t recognize-- but in all you will find earnestness, compassion, and want.
Dude he literally swallowed her chin
like hawks, warhol was able to reduce filmmaking down to just light + time
En algún momento en 1965, Stan Brakhage vino a Nueva York. Había oído hablar, en su montaña de Colorado, a dos mil setecientos metros de altitud, de Andy Warhol y de Sleep. Llegó a la Filmmakers’ Coop, afirmando: «Ya vale. Quiero ver las películas de Andy Warhol para saber el porqué de todo este alboroto». Entonces se sentó y vio bobinas y bobinas de Sleep. Creo que incluso dijo que las había visto todas. Yo estaba trabajando al otro lado de la mesa y, de repente, vi a Stan plantado en medio de la habitación. Empezó a fulminar con su voz atronadora. Dijo que nos habían tomado el pelo, que éramos imbéciles. Él se iba de Nueva York. O algo…
kiss me to pieces